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Texel delivered 3D - scanners to South Korea and the UAE

Customers: Museum of the Future (Museum of the future of Dubai)

Dubai; Science and education

Contractors: Texel (Teksel)
Product: Texel Portal

Project date: 2019/07  - 2020/01

2020: Delivery 3D - the Texel Portal scanners

3D - scanners of capital software developer and producer of professional three-dimensional scanners will work at one of the universities of Seoul and the Museum of the future in Dubai. On February 5, 2020 reported about it DIIPP Moscow.

The main advantage of scanners – the software which allows to scan people and does not require the subsequent completion in third-party programs. At the university of Seoul the scanner will be used for training of students at the faculties connected with 3D - graphics and design, and in the museum of Dubai the device will become a part of exposure about digital technologies of the future.

Texel Portal
We support the hi-tech companies of Moscow in their aspiration to enter international market. The total amount of export of hi-tech products was 10,855.96 mln. dollars of the USA for the period January – November, 2019. Growth was 11.45% in comparison with the same period of 2018. 3D - the Texel scanners are included into the list of the best full-growing 3D - scanners according to independent French rating agency Aniwaa. For such Special economic zone companies "Technopolice "Moscow" gives modern infrastructure and an opportunity to develop and work at the perspective markets abroad,
noted the Head of Department of investment and industrial policy of the city of Moscow Alexander Prokhorov

As the CEO of Teksel company Maxim Fedyukov told, Moscow 3D - scanners are much cheaper in service due to convenient construction for assembly and commissioning.

Texel Portal
to Customers different models of scanners are delivered. To South Korea – compact 3D - the Texel Portal MX scanner for color scanning of people. On it the three-dimensional digital model can be received in only 90 seconds. In the UAE delivered larger Texel Portal BX model. This complex consists of the scanner and software of our company: in 30 seconds the scanner analyzes the person standing on the platform, further special algorithms in 1 minute in a cloud of Texel Cloud turn results of scanning into a realistic 3D model,


The three-dimensional models received on the Teksel scanners can be used for 3D - printings or integration into other services (to send on to mail, to share in social networks, to load into systems AR/VR, computer game or a virtual fitting room).