Customers: Ural Airlines Contractors: GetCRM Product: Oracle ResponsysSecond product: Oracle Maxymiser Project date: 2018/04 - 2018/09
2021: Totals of content personalization system and site design
On August 9, 2021, the results of the use of the Oracle Maxymiser website personalization and design system introduced at Ural Airlines became known. The implementation of the system and the provision of consulting services was carried out by Customer Experience agency GETCRM.
Extensive experience in working with Oracle products allowed GETCRM experts to successfully implement a project in Russia to implement the Oracle Maxymiser solution. The company's specialists at a high level have configured the system and trained users based on the world's leading practices, "says the head of CRM systems sales at Oracle Corporation in Russia. |
The availability of a website that meets the needs of visitors is indispensable for the conduct of any business. But companies are faced with the fact that the preferences of different categories of customers may differ markedly. Oracle Maxymiser is a cloud-based solution that enables marketing professionals to customize, personalize, and test content.
The system collects real-time information information about visitors, taking into account the history of their purchases, behavior on the site, the type of device and other attributes of the digital profile. Based on the data obtained, Maxymiser generates personalized offers that meet the needs of a particular visitor to the site.
Maxymiser allows you to test hypotheses and choose the best content for each target group with maximum conversion. As a result of using the system, the company receives not only sales growth, but also an increase in customer loyalty to the brand. The results of testing of various design options for the site showed an increase in conversion by 4.8%, "said Elena Latkina, head of marketing at Ural Airlines JSC. |
The composition of the work performed for Ural Airlines:
- Implemented integration functionality with previously implemented Oracle Siebel CRM, Oracle Airline Data Model and Oracle Responsys systems to calculate the user profile;
- analysis of site content and hypothesis formation;
- developed a function for assessing the customer's sensitivity to price;
- mobile and dextope scenarios have been developed. Dynamic layout is implemented for all scenarios;
- Customize personal content by segment
- A/B and MVT testing of content performance were performed;
- the functionality of running scripts taking into account priorities is implemented;
- developed functionality for end-to-end testing of personalized messages in the form of pop-up banners on real users;
- are output in produktiv desktop scenarios. Fully tested (~ 100 scripts in each of the 3 main browsers = > 300 cases).
Airline marketers can create A/B campaigns for their digital channels, customize target segments of visitors and receive information about their behavior on the site. For August 2021, banners have already been set up to sell the return ticket, additional services, abandoned search, sales based on flight history, offer promotional codes, next flights and the opportunity to recommend the airline to friends. The events led to an increase in the monthly profit of the airline and improved client experience in the digital space.
2018: Oracle Responsys and Oracle Maxymiser-based project
Implemented system functionality using the example of AK Ural Airlines
- interaction with clients through different communication channels e mail push instant messengers, social network)
- trigger mailings for sending service messages (route receipts, Push notifications of purchase/payment/beginning/passing boarding, etc.) and processing of abandoned basket;
- sending personalized message promos to individual clients or client segments
- questionnaire to determine customer satisfaction based on flight results
- integration with the social network Facebook and instant messengers, Viber Telegram WeChat
- Monitoring tools for sending messages and notifications of violations
Email optimization contributed to an open rate increase of 30 conversions per 100
The introduction of targeted personalized mailings and trigger companies to work with a abandoned basket increased conversion by 16 and increased revenue