Customers: Noveks Retail network Contractors: INTALEV, Siberian office Product: Intalev: Corporate managementНа базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2009/09 - 2010/03
Release 25% of working time of staff of finance division and reduce dates of receipt of the management reporting to the first day of the month the NOVEKS company managed thanks to implementation of the automated control system for finance.
The joint project of INTALEV Group and NOVEKS LLC started in September, 2009 and was successfully complete in March, 2010.
The project included automation of the retail direction of holding and included three blocks: budget planning, management accounting and reporting, payment schedule. Automation took place based on the software product "INTALEV: Corporate management".
Thanks to setting and automation of a management system for finance the management and owners of NOVEKS company can quickly obtain data on a financial status of the enterprise now to analyze and make decisions on business development. To the project the financial result for last month was known by only the 20th. Now the preliminary result in a month is ready already 1 numbers in the second half of day.
"Thanks to the project we reached the new level of company management – budget planning, - Maximova Yulia, the chief financial officer of NOVEKS LLC comments. – We can not only see result of the work, but also to predict it by monthly adjustments of the annual budget. The average term of passing of the request from the giving moment until making payment was reduced from 3 days to 1 day. The number of inappropriate requests decreased by 15%, the number of wrong payments was reduced to zero. Besides, at the staff of finance division due to automation 25% of working time were released".
Owners of holding already made the decision on a podolzheniye of cooperation with INTALEV Group. In plans for 2010 – automation of a budgeting system, planning and management accounting in all business directions of holding.