Rebry Alexander Valeryevich
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Was born on November 10, 1976 in Orsha the Vitebsk region of the Belarusian SSR.
In 1999 with honors graduated from the Moscow institute of electronics and mathematics (MIEM) in "Electronic computers, complexes, systems and networks".
Candidate of Technical Sciences.
In 1998 got to work in Federal State Unitary Enterprise Gosgiscentre as the engineer.
In 2005 it was appointed the chief engineer of this enterprise where worked for 2013.
In 2012 defended the dissertation on the subject "Research and Development of Methodology of Creation of Bases of Space Metadata" at Moscow state the university of geodesy and cartography (MIIGAIK).
During the period since 2013 held the director's position scientifically- the technical Roskartografiya center JSC.
In 2014 it is appointed the deputy CEO of ESTI of MAP LLC.
In January, 2018 held a post of the associate director of Federal State Budgetary Institution Center of Geodesy, Cartography and IPD. Since February of the same year – the acting as, and since June the 2018th - the director of this organization.
2020: Responsible for digital transformation of Rosreestr
The order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2020 No. 548-r it is appointed the deputy manager of Federal Service for State Registration, Cartography and Cadastre. Digital transformation of Rosreestr belongs to its duties.