Alexander Alyokhin is the director of information technically development of Internet Resheniya LLC (manages online store).
Alexander Alyokhin was born on August 17, 1973 in Moscow. In 1994 graduated from faculty of automation of MIHM. Since 1991 - the head of department of JSC Telemarket, since 1994 - the technical director of JSC Media group, since 1996 - the manager of group of JSC Diasoft, since 1997 - the leading technical adviser of Saybeys LLC, since 1998 - the project manager of Businesstekh LLC, since 2000 - the leading developer Novye torgovye tekhnologii Yunitreyd LLC. In 2001 began work in Internet Resheniya LLC and there passed the way from the senior developer to the Director of information technically development.