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Lauper Andrey Anatolyevich

Lauper Andrey Anatolyevich is the CEO of JINGLE.RU (I-radio LLC). The JINGLE.RU company exists on the Russian IT and Media the markets since May, 2001.

The musical production-library "Evolyution" (i-Volution PML) is the project of JINGLE.RU company. Musical collections on compact disks of the Audio-CD format (more than 1000 musical pieces) for application in the field of IT and Media. Musical works of the professional composers and musicians protected by the international copyright. Kazhde the work has the ISRC code issued by the International Agency ISRC.

Biography, career

Andrey Lauper was born on March 18, 1973.

In the media industry since 1995 as the director of programs of radio station MIX (Cheboksary).

From 1996 to 1998 — the producer of MAXIMUM radio station (Moscow). Organizer of the MAXIDROM and MAXIDANCE festivals.

Since 1998 — the producer of stations our Radio and Radio Ultra. Organizer of the Invasion festivals.

Since 2001 and till present — the CEO of the production-company in the field of radio, TV and multimedia of JINGLE.RU (I-radio LLC).

Owner of the award "Gold Apple" for a series of rollers "Opening of MTV Russia" (the 8th Moscow International festival of advertizing).

Judge of the annual All-Russian tender "Radioimidzh", leader of master classes Fonda of Independent Broadcasting.

Quotes, interview

Andrey Lauper, CEO of JINGLE.RU: "As the producer and the publisher pleases me that now the American composers of the first echelon work for Russian with Media and IT of the markets".


IT Multimedia Radio Television

External links