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Баннер в шапке 2

ITender Electronic marketplace

Developers: FogSoft (Fogsoft)
Last Release Date: June, 2014
Branches: Gas industry,  Mineral extraction,  Information technologies,  Light industry,  Forest and woodworking economy,  Logistics and distribution,  Mechanical engineering and instrument making,  Metallurgical industry,  Real estate,  Oil industry,  Food industry,  Agriculture and fishery,  Construction and industry of construction materials,  Trade,  Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care,  Financial services, investments and audit,  Chemical industry,  Electrical equipment and microelectronics,  Power,  Law
Technology: SRM - Vendor relationship management,  trade Automation systems


Logo of the ITender electronic trading system

The ITender electronic trading system is the software, the web application for holding auctions, completely corresponding to the Federal Law and regulations on electronic marketplaces approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in resolution No. 179 and it can be used for:

  • purchase of products, raw materials for production,
  • works orders or provision of services,
  • sales of goods and services,
  • sale of property of debtors on bankruptcy (biddings on bankruptcy).

The ITender system of Fogsoft company is the innovation web solution for the organizations aiming to expand a circle of product suppliers and raw materials for production, to find optimal offers on purchases. The ITender system allows the enterprises to create own electronic marketplace which use allows to reduce the cost of purchases by 5-25%.

The electronic auction in the ITender system is held in real time via the Internet that allows to attract the maximum number of suppliers, to reduce time for preparation and tenderings, to receive necessary products at the minimum price. The open form of electronic biddings provides creation of transparent and effective competitive environment. Bidders can stake from every spot on the globe.


The auction in the ITender system can be held as on reduction in price during which the starting price of lot falls, and the winner the participant who made the rate, minimum on value, and on advance in price appears. And also there are opened and closed forms of submission of offers on the price. In case of open submission of the offer about the prices of bidders are available at any moment. At the closed submission of the proposal of participants are not subject to disclosure before date and time of summing up the results of open tenderings.

Electronic auctions allow to create the most effective and transparent competitive environment, to attract maximum attention of customers and suppliers, to reduce tendering time. The legal importance of transactions of electronic trading is provided with use of the mechanism of the Electronic Digital Signature (EDS) regulated by the federal legislation of the Russian Federation.

ITender system implementations

The Fogsoft company implements more than 60 automation systems of trade purchasing activity (including electronic marketplaces) on the platform of the iTender system in many cities of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Kazan, Samara, Volgograd, Vladivostok, Kypck, Krasnodar, Kemerovo, Voronezh, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Irkutsk.


ITender systems capabilities

Compliance to the law

Completely corresponds to Federal Law 94-FZ and regulations on electronic marketplaces


Use of the Electronic digital signature imposes mutual obligations in law on the winning bidder and the customer

It is more than Participants

Holding electronic auctions will allow to take part in biddings to suppliers from any remote region

It is less than the price

Big gives the number of bidders to increase in the competition in biddings. Thus you receive goods at the most beneficial price

Fault tolerance

A system is automatically recovered after the failures connected with a hardware failure

Everything is under control

Any action of the user on the platform which leads to change of information register in the special magazine available for viewing to the administrator of the platform


The schedule of work of the platform is completely controlled by the operator. The administrator can determine days off, holidays, start time and the terminations of the working day in the calendar of the platform


Existence of open services for acceptance and sending information allows to integrate the platform with external systems


The customer can entrust tendering of the Specialized Organization

Saving of time

Elements of electronic document management allow to reduce time for the conclusion of the transaction

Technology of the cross-border electronic signature

The Fogsoft company in cooperation with the companies specializing in the field of cryptography from Russia, Belarus and the EU the first in Russia implemented in the spring of 2012 the mechanism of verification of the foreign electronic signature at transactions with foreign market participants on Russian electronic marketplaces.

According to Mikhail Fogilev, the CEO of Fogsoft company, before versions of similar transactions was a little. Among them — biddings through the Russian intermediaries or extremely risky agreements which are not supported with the electronic signature. "Without electronic signature at non-compliance with terms of the contract of one of the parties it is extremely difficult to prove the case judicially — Fogilev added. — It is all the same that the document signed with 'cross'".

Really, today the legal importance of transactions of electronic trading is provided with use of the mechanism of the electronic signature (EDS) imposing mutual obligations in law on potential partners. However at cross-border transactions the bidder has no means of full verification of the foreign EDS and in general faces a number of subtleties in distinction of local legislations on its validity. For overcoming these problems in many countries the organizations performing function of the entrusted T party (ETP) are created and also the mechanism of interaction of ETP and DTS on verification of foreign electronic signatures, says Fogsoft is implemented.

In the middle of May of the current year Fogsoft carried out the first series of tests on check of correctness of functioning of ETP of iTender in an operation mode with foreign participants of electronic biddings (test sheet). Each testing worked only within the local legislation, used legitimate means of the signature in the legal framework, cryptoalgorithms and certificates of public keys received in the certification centers.

According to Fogsoft, in practical application the mechanism of verification of the foreign electronic signature is very simple and operational. On electronic marketplace on the iTender platform the foreign EDS is automatically checked by the specialized organization performing functions of the entrusted third party in Russia. Further this organization redirects the EDS on check of that DTS in which country this signature was issued, and receives the decision about validity of this EDS, then places it on iTender behind the Russian electronic signature. The Russian EDS for validity is checked by already electronic platform.

The carried-out tests showed simplicity and operability of the technical solution, capable, at already existing regulatory base, to work, for residents of Russia within Article 7 63-FZ "About the Electronic Signature", emphasized in Fogsoft.

The ITender electronic trading system for the state organizations

The ITender system is intended for carrying out purchases by different government institutions, such as state and municipal departments. All procedures, regulations of holding electronic auctions and tenders in the ITender electronic trading system completely correspond to Federal law No. 94-FZ "About order placement for the state and municipal needs" (of 7/21/2005). The ITedner electronic marketplace takes on itself control of observance of the main key requirements imposed by articles of this Law namely:

  • The public e-auction notice is published on the platform not less than in ten days prior to date of an auction. It means that the Electronic marketplace will not allow to publish the notification if start date of an auction does not meet this requirement.
  • The electronic marketplace controls that the starting price of lot does not exceed one million rubles. It means that Electronic * the Marketplace will not allow to publish the notification if the starting (maximum) price of lot of an auction does not meet this requirement.
  • The electronic marketplace checks that all fields, mandatory, are really filled. Also verification of information entered into this field regarding its correctness is made.
  • In the course of tendering the Electronic marketplace provides Participants with all necessary information.
  • The electronic marketplace automatically transfers an auction to the status "Ended" if within one hour from the moment of placement on the website any offer providing lower price of the contract did not come to Internet networks of the last contract bid.
  • The electronic marketplace stores receipt date of the contract bid with such precision rate that there was always an opportunity unmistakably to define what proposal was submitted earlier. It is especially important in case several participants give identical the offer on the price.
  • Immediately after the end of the Electronic marketplace auction automatically places the decision on recognition of the Participant of an auction by the winner of an auction, contract price information, the last and penultimate contract bids and information, other, obligatory for the publication.
  • Immediately after the end of the Electronic marketplace auction automatically creates and places Minutes of an auction for signing by authorized body.
  • The electronic marketplace automatically recognizes an auction cancelled if on start date of an auction there is only one registered Participant.

The ITender electronic trading system for the commercial organizations

The electronic trading system can be used for tendering on the Internet for needs of the commercial organizations, providing personal electronic platforms both for the small commercial organizations, and for big corporate customers. The commercial organizations, in difference from state, are not obliged to conduct procurement by tendering. However, use of Electronic marketplace gives indisputable competitive advantages to those companies which work with several suppliers and are aimed at expansion of the customer base.

The purpose of creation of ITender Electronic marketplace is process optimization of supply of the enterprises, organizations and organizations and increase in efficiency of vendor relations. A system allows to carry out a full range of trade procurement procedures on sale or purchase of products, works and services within corporate purchases of the enterprises and the organizations, such as: tenders, tenders and purchases of the commercial sector of all modern industries and agriculture, tenders of commercial enterprises in volumes from very small batches before strategic deliveries, corporate tenders, both on standardized, and on hi-tech and highly specialized goods.

For the commercial organizations there are no such tight restrictions on the procedure of tendering what exist for the state organizations. It opens ample opportunities on completion of the basic version of Electronic marketplace. We can implement all requirements of the customer to adapt functionality of ITender Electronic marketplace for specific business processes.

The ITender electronic trading system for sale of property of debtors

Federal Law No. 127-FZ of 10/26/2002. "About insolvency (bankruptcy)" requires tendering selling the enterprise of the debtor (Paragraph 7 of Article 110) electronically, specifies types of property which implementation at sale of a part of property of the debtor should be carried out in the form of biddings electronically (Paragraph 3 of Article 111), and also defines an order of the publication of data in Internet network (Article 28). The specified legislative arrangements are applied after hundred twenty days after day of an approval by regulating authority of requirements to electronic platforms, requirements to operators of electronic platforms when carrying out open tenderings electronically, about determination of compliance of electronic platform and the operator of an electronic trading platform to the set requirements, an order of carrying out open tenderings electronically (The Federal law of 12/30/2008 N 296-FZ (an edition of 7/19/2009)).

As the technological solution providing execution of requirements of Federal Law No. 127-FZ of 10/26/2002. "About insolvency (bankruptcy)" regarding tendering selling the enterprise of the debtor or a part of his property electronically, publications of information in Internet network the Fogsoft company proposes to implement Electronic marketplace.

The electronic marketplace of Fogsoft company is specially developed for achievement of goals, specified Federal Law No. 127-FZ of 10/26/2002. "About insolvency (bankruptcy)" in strict accordance with order of carrying out open tenderings electronically at sale of property (enterprise) of debtors during the procedures applied in the case of bankruptcy, requirements to electronic platforms and operators of electronic platforms and also order of confirmation of conformity of electronic platforms and operators of electronic platforms to the set requirements according to the draft of the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

2016: The iTender system is included in the Register of the Russian software

The iTender electronic trading system of Fogsoft company was a part of the Unified register of the Russian programs for electronic computers and databases the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

On November 9, 2016 the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications issued the order on inclusion of software products in the Unified register of the Russian software. The added products, including the iTender electronic trading system, were recognized conforming to requirements, stipulated in Item 5 rules of formation and maintaining the unified register of the Russian programs for the electronic computers and databases approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1236 "About establishment of prohibition on the admission of the software coming from the foreign states for the purposes of implementation of purchases for ensuring the state and municipal needs" of November 16, 2015.

The iTender electronic trading system includes the automation equipment for procurement management of the companies and is scaled under solutions of business challenges of different level. Based on iTender electronic marketplaces, the corporate SRM systems (management systems of vendor relation), schedule systems of purchases and control of performance of agreements can be created.

According to representatives of Fogsoft, inclusion of the iTender electronic trading system in the register of the domestic software required three months from the moment of registration of a statement on the project website. Developers needed to fill out the request with the detailed technical specification on the software product. And also it was required to provide the commissions of the project access to the test version of a system with different access rights of users. So the commission could check compliance of a system to requirements of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and address as necessary for amendments the developer.

2014: The iTender platform is improved

On April 7, 2014 the Fogsoft company announced improvement of the iTender platform for creation of corporate and commercial electronic marketplaces. The platform is adapted to use by means of mobile devices and has a new user-friendly interface.

Edit summary

— The architecture is improved, approach to creation of the user interface is cardinally reviewed, possibilities of modification of design are significantly expanded … Many iTender elements are rethought — Denis Korikov, the director of the department of trade purchasing systems of Fogsoft otmeit.

One of key changes in the platform - optimization for use on mobile devices, i.e. under other conditions of information representation and user interaction. The updated iTender interface is most adapted for use on mobile devices — it became much more convenient to work with electronic platform on phone or the tablet.

Many products of the line of boxed solutions of iTender are transferred to the new platform. Including: iTender-Zakupki, iTender-Prodazhi, ITender-distrained property, iTender-Energo, iTender-Goszakupki iTender-PRIVATIZATION iTender Ukraine, iTender Kazakhstan and iTender-PROIZVODSTVO.

Electronic marketplaces on the iTender platform are available also from mobile devices now

The architecture is improved, approach to creation of the user interface is cardinally reviewed, possibilities of modification of design are significantly expanded. Practically all products of the line of boxed solutions of iTender are transferred to the new platform. Including: iTender-ZAKUPKI, iTender-PRODAZHI, ITENDER-DISTRAINED PROPERTY, iTender-ENERGO, iTender-GOSZAKUPKI, iTender-PRIVATIZATION, iTender Ukraine, iTender Kazakhstan and iTender-PROIZVODSTVO. Moreover, on this platform of Fogsoft several trade purchasing systems are already developed and implemented.

Its optimization for use on mobile devices, i.e. under other conditions of information representation, and user interaction became one of key changes of the platform. Of course, mobile browsers could display the interface of the platform and earlier, presenting ETP in the same form, as the desktop computer or the notebook. The updated iTender interface is most adapted for use on mobile devices — it became much more convenient to work with electronic platform on phone or the tablet.

As noted in Fogsoft, products and development on both versions of the iTender platform (flowing and updated will be offered future customers of trade purchasing systems). It is obvious that the second option provides big functionality, the new user interface, enhanced capabilities of client design, and the most important — the potential for development of ETP, setup corporate business of processes, "digitizations" of paper methods of work of the enterprise that as practice shows, it becomes relevant for the majority of the automated purchasing solutions.