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Rosvodokanal upgrades IT infrastructure using Softline cloud-services

Customers: Rosvodokanal GK

Contractors: Softline
Product: The protected cloud of Softline
На базе: FlexPod

Project date: 2019/09  - 2020/03

On May 14, 2020 it became known that the company "Rosvodokanal" upgrades IT infrastructure with the help cloud- services Softline. Softline offered Rosvodokanal group multifunction IaaS- the solution based on own public cloud and selected servers (Dedicated). Now the customer can significantly upgrade IT infrastructure, increase stability of work of crucial services and cut down costs on acquisition of computing powers at the expense of flexible financial conditions.

Rosvodokanal group – not only the private operator specializing in projects in the field of water supply and water disposal but also the reliable partner of the state in upgrade of communal infrastructure of territorial subjects of the federation. Under control of Rosvodokanal the enterprises in such large cities as Arkhangelsk, Voronezh, Krasnodar, Orenburg, Barnaul, Tyumen, Omsk work. The group sets before itself the important purposes: expansion of business and an exit to other regions of the country. For their achievement the operator needed to upgrade the existing IT infrastructure.


The management of Rosvodokanal formulated requirements to future supplier of cloud-services. It had to have reputation of the reliable business partner with high industry expertize and rich experience of project implementation based on cloud computing. The provider should create the solution allowing to scale flexibly infrastructure and to optimize the IT budget at the expense of advantageous financial conditions.

Softline completely corresponded to all selection criteria. The company is provided more than in 50 countries where actively develops business thanks to staff of the highly qualified specialists capable to solve the most complex problems of clients, to close cooperation with world technology leaders, to permanent expansion of the products and services which are profitable differing in quality and cost.

Softline closely cooperates with Rosvodokanal more than 5 years in the questions connected with providing cloud-services. The company developed the IaaS-solution based on own public cloud and dedicated servers (Dedicated) for needs of the customer as soon as possible. The cloud of Softline is constructed on the certified platform FlexPod at the heart of which – storage system NetApp, computing powers and switches Cisco software VMware. Among advantages of this cloud-service there is a reduction of a capital expenditure on IT infrastructure, flexible scaling options, easy management virtual DPC via the vCloud Director web interface. Being going to use in the long term all potential of a public cloud of Softline, Rosvodokanal Group already transferred to it a part of own IT infrastructure.

For successful functioning of such services as 1C and the systems of billing, were required for the customer the selected capacities. Softline offered service of Dedicated within which the modern rack Dell EMC PowerEdge servers are used. Their technical parameters allow connection of a large number of cloud-services. For example, the service of STaaS for operational scaling of memory is connected to the server on which the 1C system is unrolled. Consuming service, Rosvodokanal Group can refuse purchase of the equipment and transfer capital costs to operating rooms, so, invest more in development of own business. Obvious plus of Dedicated is also an opportunity to scale IT infrastructure as in big, and downwards.

At the request of the customer Softline booked complex audit of IT infrastructure. Server premises of group were placed in the different cities of Russia and worked not according to the uniform standard. According to the results of a research the experts of provider developed a three years' strategy of upgrade of infrastructure and suggested to transfer all services which are used by Rosvodokanal, in a cloud.

Thanks to our IaaS-solution the customer already transferred a part of own IT infrastructure to a public cloud of Softline. Use of dedicated servers within service of Dedicated will help it to adjust stable work of crucial services. The project will develop. We are going to upgrade IT infrastructure of all regional divisions of the client with transferring of local services to a cloud and to select a separate segment of infrastructure with connection to DRaaS service. Besides, we together with IT specialists of Rosvodokanal Group study a possibility of expansion of 1C base what will require new DWH. One more perspective project - providing service of Disaster Recovery necessary for recovery of IT infrastructure and data after failures or accidents,

– designated the head of sales department of department of cloud computing of Softline Vadim Bukovsky

At the end of February, 2020 I participated in the IT summit "Softline Deep Dive. Theories and practicians". On an action I was asked about why the Rosvodokanal group selected Softline as the business partner and consumes practically all cloud-solutions of this global provider, without being afraid to appear in financial or technology dependence? First of all, we use more than five years cloud services of this company in the daily activity. I can tell with all responsibility that they profitable differ from analogs in quality, the cost, consumption conditions. And still for me on the first place there are always people - a command with which I work. Softline is the team of professionals capable to propose the best solution of any IT task. Therefore we are aimed at long-term effective cooperation,

– noted the Chief information officer of Rosvodokanal Group Sergey Putin