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Condis SA


Electrical equipment and microelectronics
Switzerland, Route de Montena 65 1728 of Rossens,

Condis SAthe Swiss equipment manufacturer for power. Acts as the supplier of devices of medium and high tension. Condis condensers provide uniform distribution of tension, increase in the disconnecting capability and precise measurement of tension.


2020: Plans of start of production of optical transformers Profotec

The resident of the Technopolice Moscow special economic zone Profotec company localizes in Switzerland production of optical transformers, for export of products on the markets of Europe and North America. The agreement between the capital enterprise and Condis SA company will are signed in 2021 for a period of five years with a possibility of prolongation. Also in Switzerland the service consumer support center will open. On May 19, 2020 Technopolice reported about it. Read more here.