Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

RPM Group




+ RPM Group

The group of the RPM is the Russian producer of traveling machines and technologies. The strategic partner - JSC "Russian Railways".

The group of the RPM integrates the following production and repair sites across all Russia: JSC Kaluga Plant Remputmash, JSC Abdulinsky PRMZ Remputmash, JSC Vereshchaginsky PRMZ Remputmash, JSC Sverdlovsk PRMZ Remputmash, JSC Orenburg PRMZ Remputmash, JSC Yaroslavl VRZ Remputmash, Lyudinovsky branch JSC Kaluga Plant Remputmash, Tovarkovsky branch JSC Kaluga Plant Remputmash, Southeast branch JSC Kaluga Plant Remputmash, East Siberian branch JSC Kaluga Plant Remputmash, West Siberian branch JSC Kaluga Plant Remputmash, Transbaikal branch JSC Kaluga Plant Remputmash. The Group of the RPM also includes 4 design offices which provide development of the equipment according to special requirements of zakzchik and adapt them for market conditions.