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EGov Mobile Mobile application of the electronic government of Kazakhstan

Developers: Ministry of digital development, innovations and aerospace industry of Kazakhstan
Last Release Date: May, 2020
Branches: Government and social institutions


eGov Mobile  is mobile application of the electronic government of Kazakhstan. The electronic documents replacing paper when they need to be shown can be stored in it.


Kazakhstan digital passports and driver's licenses equated * B to paper

In June, 2020 the parliament of Kazakhstan adopted the law which equates digital documents to paper. Thus, citizens of the country will be able to show electronic versions of passports and car driver licenses, without confirming them with paper versions.

As reported in the Committee on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Development of the Senate of parliament of Kazakhstan, the adopted law "About Making Changes and Additions in Some Legal Acts concerning Regulation of Digital Technologies" creates to the population favorable conditions due to use of digital technologies.

The parliament of Kazakhstan adopted the law which equates digital documents to paper

Besides, providing and gain of personal data protection of citizens, regulation of the public relations at implementation of new digital technologies and improvement of the existing legislative arrangements in the field of informatization are among problems of a new initiative.

The minister of digital development, innovations and the aerospace industry Askar Zhumagaliyev noted on the page on Facebook that digital documents in mobile application of eGov Mobile will receive complete legitimacy and will be able to be applied on an equal basis with paper.

So you will be able to show to the police officer the digital certificate, via the smartphone … Papers in our life becomes less, and it very much pleases — he emphasized.

The new law also assumes the following:

  • creation of conditions when implementing projects in the field of information and communication infrastructure, improvement of quality of rendering the public and non-state services to the population by means of mobile application of the electronic government;
  • creation of the mechanism for safe operation of unmanned aerial vehicles and increase in a share of use of robots in the country;
  • determination of authorized body in the field of personal data protection and its basic functions.[1]

Expansion of the list of the supported documents

At the end of May, 2020 it became known of expansion in eGov Mobile  of the list of digital documents which replace traditional paper. As the minister of digital development, innovations and  the aerospace industry of Kazakhstan Askar Zhumagaliyev reported, by means of this program for the smartphone it will be possible to show the student's certificate, the military ID, the certificate on  disability, technical data sheet of the real estate.

In eGov Mobile  four digital documents are available: the identity certificate,  the certificate of birth of the child, about  the conclusion and  annulment of marriage, about  change of a name, surname, middle name. 

EGov Mobile application

By words Zhumagaliyev, by the end of May, 2020 is conducted work on  failure from  references which state agencies can independently request.  It is until the end of the year going to cancel 24 information references. For this purpose state agencies need to complete integration  and also to make changes to  regulations and  regulatory legal acts.

On May 20, 2020 the Minister of Internal Affairs Erlan Turgumbayev said that  motorists will be able to move, having at himself only the identity certificate. Police officers will see all other information on the car owner via the tablet. 

We want to enter regulation that optional to the driver of motor transport to carry with ourselves all documents of title. There will be enough only identity certificate because according to it we will see via the tablet what vehicle owns how many powers of attorney are written out when the insurance policy at it comes to an end when he had maintenance inspection and how many at it penalties. Why to citizens to carry the whole purse of documents - one identity certificate is enough — he said.[2]

Шаблон:Subject Kazakhstan
