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2010/05/09 19:55:39

Product Data Management

Product Data Management (PDM) — product data management. A PDM system it is considered to be an organizational and technical system which provides management of all information on a product. In product quality the most various goods and objects can act: from microchips to cars and from bridges to computer networks. PDM systems is an integral part PLM- systems. See Also: Directory CAD systems and projects CAD CAM CAE PLM.


For promoting and further distribution of PDM systems among users and developers two organizations are created: International Product Data Management User Group (IPDMUG) and Plant/Product Information Management Association (PPIMA). In spite of the fact that the main task which is set for themselves by founders of these organizations — education by methods of integration of PDM systems they differ in the approaches to work. Activity of IPDMUG is concentrated in the field of information support of users by data on sharing of PDM systems with a CAD and MRP systems. PPIMA, being engaged in the same circle of questions, extends the activity to all persons interested in a question. PPIMA includes in the sphere of the activity as technical issues, and deals with purely organizational problems.


Components and components

Product lifecycle

In PDM systems several technologies are integrated at once:

EDM (engineering data management) is management of engineering data;

PIM (product information management) is product information management;

TDM (technical data management) is technical data management;

TIM (technical information management) is technical information management;

And also it is impossible to forget about management of images and manipulation of information which is comprehensively defining a specific item.

Basic opportunities

Basic opportunities of PDM systems are very various and include such functions as:

  • Organization of data storage and management of documents.
  • Management of product development and control of processes on its implementation.
  • Manipulation of a product of structure.
  • Automation of search of specific data and numerical parameters of a product.
  • Preparation of reports according to requirements of the enterprise or the industry.

Purpose of PDM systems

The main purpose of PDM systems - information management and simplification of data access about a product for all its lifecycle. The positive effect is reached thanks to an opportunity to integrate all data on a product in a single logical system. As a result of such consolidation all who take part in product development get the distributed authorized access to project information and process management of design. The most widespread tasks which can be solved by means of PDM systems, the following:

  • Creation of electronic archive of drawings and other technical documentation;
  • Creation of EIP for all employees who are taking part in development of product lifecycle;
  • Automation of making changes in a product configuration;
  • Reduction of all data on a product to international quality standards of the ISO 9000 series.


When translating work of the enterprise under control of PDM systems, the following goals are achieved:

  • Reduction of terms of development and deployment of a product;
  • Reduction of cost of information processing;
  • Helps to control information on suppliers.

All information processes connected with design of a product, technology of its production and also information on construction, parts, structure, geometrical data and other parameters of a product is under control of a PDM system. Besides, in PDM all drawings of a product, the program for CNC machines, plans of design and production, results of technical tests, data on batches and separate copies of a product, normative and legal acts, all correspondence relating to a product and also some other documents are collected.


A PDM system allows to control large volumes of the technical data connected with design, production, operation and further utilization of hi-tech products. Using a PDM system it is possible to trace and make changes to all documents relating to the developed subject also. The main difference from traditional DB consists that in PDM it is possible to enter information of any formats and types and to issue it to users in the structured type. And as PDM systems can work not only with the text documents having low value on modern production and and with geometrical models and data which are used in work of konveerny lines and the computerized machines, it profitable distinguishes them from traditional office workflow systems.

One of the main PDM functions — inter-user communication. Having access to a system it is possible to address any information at all stages of development and implementation of a product. And as all data relating to an object, including drawings, charts, lists and applications are stored nowadays in electronic form, at design any document always is near at hand. Except data, using a PDM system it is possible to manage all development process of a hi-tech object. And also to obtain information on the product, on a status of the documents attached to it and the changes made in development process. In PDM function on authorization of data which can influence change of data on a product is implemented. For this purpose for different users it is developed several access modes preventing both unauthorized access to documents, and any introduction of changes in them. So under centralized operation of a PDM system on the one hand there are all data connected with a product and process of its designing, production, operation and utilization. And with another, performs administrative functions — without allowing unauthorized login, or preventing actions, unusual for the user.

A PDM system allows to create also standardized reports on product characteristics, its parts and parts, the used materials and also on all stages of passing from development before utilization. Each user of a system can output all necessary documents at himself on the screen irrespective of where it is. It allows to collect in one team of the specialists living at big distances or to rbotat houses, but not in bureau. The possibility of group and remote work over the project with a possibility of viewing any necessary document in real time and also a possibility of sharing of the general information resources of the enterprise is one of the main advantages a PDM system in comparison with traditional programs for document flow. At the same time changes can regularly be made to some documents, others to remain static. All these opportunities significantly reduce time for processing of the order, saving from 40% to 70% of working time of designers and the general standardization of a cycle of making changes in detail designs.

See Also