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Rostec delivered to the Volgograd region mobile office for management at emergency

Customers: Committee on security of life activity of the population of the Volgograd region

Volgograd; Government and social institutions

Product: Ruselectronics: Mobile office for management Svyaznoy based on the KamAZ truck

Project date: 2019/12  - 2020/06

2020: Providing mobile office for management at emergency

The Vega concern of Ruselectronics holding (enters into State Corporation Rostec) transferred to Committee on security of life activity of the population of the Volgograd region mobile office for management for work in zones of emergencies. The complex will allow to receive, analyze and display the consolidated data on emergency liquidation and also to manage forces and means of regional operational services. Rostec reported about it on July 8, 2020.

The equipment of the mobile office for management (MOM) is intended for smooth operation in the conditions of lack of communication. It allows to unroll quickly open network and the closed telephone communication, to provide to users Internet access. Besides, with its help it is possible to perform information exchange, including in the video conference mode, with several external subscribers who are on removal at once.

Operational emergency response depends on the speed of decision making and completeness of information on a situation in an incident zone. Therefore deployment of communication systems and creation of a common information space for operational services directly affects efficiency of actions. - the chief executive of Rostec Oleg Yevtushenko noted.


Basis of information exchange with external subscribers in MPU - a satellite channel with the maximum capacity of 40 Mbps and wire lines of communication. The portable video camera of high resolution transfers the image in a digital format on wire channel.