Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Polyantsev Veniamin Aleksandrovich
Polyantsev Veniamin Aleksandrovich


Was born on June 12, 1980.


In 2002 graduated from the Russian State University for the Humanities majoring in "Production engineer" with qualification assignment Economist.


2003: Citibank

From 2003 to 2005 worked at different positions in Ltd CB Citibank, the last position - the head of department of verification of credit management of department of service of private clients.

2005: Vice president of Alfa-Bank

In 2005 - 2007 held a position of the vice president, director of direct sales in the Retail Business block of JSC Alfa-Bank.

2007: Bank Russian Standard

In 2007 passed into Russky Standart Bank Ltd where held positions of the director of the department of products and sales and also the director of the department of products and portfolio management.

2009: KIT Finance

From December, 2009 to May, 2010 held a position of the director of products in KIT Finance Investment bank.

2010: Transcreditbank

In May, 2010 passed into JSC Transcreditbank to a position of the director of products and marketing of directorate of retail business, then - the director of directorate of retail business.

Senior vice president

In June, 2012 it is appointed to the position of the senior vice president - directors of directorate of retail business of JSC Transcreditbank.

2013: VTB 24

Since October, 2013 held a position of the director of the department of retail business of VTB 24.

2017: FC Otkritie bank

On December 22, 2017 the supervisory board of FC Otkritie bank included it in board (since January 1, 2018).

Since March 26, 2018 entered into Board of Directors of the sanified B&N Bank and Didzhital B&N Bank.

2018: Vice chairman of the board

On October 31, 2018 it is appointed the vice chairman of the board of FC Otkritie bank.

Since January 1, 2019 the Otkrytiye bank and B&N Bank (including Didzhital B&N Bank) integrated under the Opening brand and with the license of FC Otkritie.