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2020/07/20 19:27:54

Adoption of children in Russia

2020: Transition of the procedure for adoption of children to the online mode

During a pandemic of a koronavirusny infection Russians began to adopt children in the online mode. On July 20, 2020 Izvestia with reference to the member of council at the Government of the Russian Federation concerning guardianship in the social sphere Elena Alshanskaya reported about it.

According to her, an interview with staff of bodies of guardianship, psychological inspection of family, survey of housing, acquaintance of candidates to children take place in a video conference format. Collecting of documents happens online too. Personal presence is required only when obtaining medical certificates and at the child's zabiraniye. And usually the kid is brought for the organization territory that strangers did not contact to other children, she noted.

The Russian Federation began to adopt children online

Alshanskaya emphasized that the best solution in the conditions of a pandemic could not be thought up though personal contacts between adoptive parents and children are far more effective. She told that from March 1 to May 12 after online acquaintances of 29 kids from orphanages were transferred to adoption, 282 — to non-paid guardianship, 618 — to a foster home.

In Russia it is worth continuing practice of the device of children in families with use of remote technologies, said in the report according to the results of public monitoring of organization activity for orphan children in connection with spread of a new koronavirusny infection. This document was prepared by members of council at the Government of the Russian Federation concerning guardianship in the social sphere.

New format of the device of children online rather experimental and it is worth observing such families, the chairman of coordination council of Professional guild of psychologists Svetlana Shtukareva believes. Without direct personal contact it is difficult to experience other person and development of the relations in this case becomes even more unpredictable, the expert noted. Possibly, continuation of online acquaintance in "the guest mode" can become an exit, she assumed.[1]
