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Ckassa Start

Developers: Ckassa (Central cash desk)
Last Release Date: 2020/11/24
Branches: Trade
Technology: Trade automation systems


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Ckassa Start is development of 2020. This mobile application for acceptance of cashless payments with instant connection and without opening of a checking account in bank.


Start of work in Kazakhstan

The Russian Ckassa financial technical-group announced on November 24, 2020 opening of a possibility of use of the payment application for microbusiness in Kazakhstan. It is the first foreign market for Ckassa Start developed in 2020. The application allows to use a packet of opportunities for acceptance of cashless payments.

Own development of Terminal turns the smartphone with the module NFC into the payment terminal and allows to accept payment from bank cards of clients. Besides, generation of payment links and QR codes is available.

In Russia Ckassa conducts negotiations with the Far East investment fund on attraction to 300 million rubles of investments for development of the application. It is supposed to optimize Ckassa Start for Android and iOS, to expand audience of the application and to strengthen user support.

Intention to attract 300 million rubles to development

On August 3, 2020 the Ckassa company (The central cash desk) announced intention to attract in two years prior to 300 million rubles to development of the product for self-employed and microbusiness - the Ckassa Start application.

Ckassa Start
Own investments of the company into development of Ckassa Start make 50 million rubles. We are going to allocate the raised funds for optimization of applications for Android and iOS, audience accumulation in Russia, market research for start in the CIS countries and Europe, - the chairman of the board of directors (OWLS) of Ckassa Sergey Shevkov reported.


microbusiness lives on a mix from banking for natural persons and the cut-off solutions of payment systems. It is not convenient and is not always legal. Having seen this "pain", we made Ckassa Start. The application allows self-employed easy to receive money from clients and to spend them. Our mission: give different options of non-cash payments of audience, - the chief executive (CEO) of Ckassa Andrey Rychkov tells.


Ckassa Start offers four tools for payment acceptance:

Terminal. Turns the smartphone with NFC into this bank POS terminal - it is possible to accept payments from cards (is suitable for the market of couriers and the taxi, exit trade).

Paypage. The payment page on which it is possible to place a goods photo, a logo and the description.

Link. The payment link which can be sent to the client in the messenger (for example, for tutors and telemedicine).

QR code. It is active "price label" - it is generated by the application, the code can be printed and placed on goods. The client points the camera of the smartphone at the code and gets on the page of cashless payment.

Ckassa Start

How to spend: payments come to the e-wallet or the virtual map Visa, money is available at once. There is an opportunity to use Google Pay Apple Pay.