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Google Business Application Platform

Developers: Google
Date of the premiere of the system: September, 2020
Technology: PaaS - Platform As A Service - the Business platform as service

2020: Start of Google Business Application Platform - the platform for business Poe's creation without writing any code

On September 8, 2020 the Google company submitted the platform for creation of the corporate software with the minimum writing of the code or at all without it. The new solution was received by the name Business Application Platform. It is also equipped with control functions of API, process automation and a business intelligence.

As reported Google at the Google Cloud Next OnAir 2020 online conference, the company aims at creation of more system methods of access to services, data and functions through API, at the same time hiding difficulties of programming behind the platform without code. Development of software without writing any code helps even to nontechnical specialists to create quickly applications and to connect to them data sets without knowledge of programming languages.

Google submitted the platform for business Poe's creation without writing any code

The vice president for development of the platform for business applications in Google Cloud Amit Zavery noted that Business Application Platform is constructed on technologies of AppSheet startup purchased earlier. Also the platform includes mechanisms of management of API which Google took from other absorbed firm — Apigee.

As noted in the press release, the competitive business environment requires development of new applications with greater speed and efficiency, but many companies lack resources for the solution of these problems. According to the forecast of Gartner which gives Google by 2023 in the large companies will be four times more than "civil developers", than professional programmers.

The purpose of Google — to provide the comprehensive, open and integrated applied platform which will allow business users to develop and expand applications, to create and automate business processes and also to connect and upgrade outdated applications — Amit Zaveri said.[1]
