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2010/04/19 17:49:08

CASE system

CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) are development tools of the program and organizational and managing systems. They cover the most part of support of huge number of technologies of design of CIS: since simple means of the analysis and documentation and finishing with the large-scale automation equipment covering all lifecycle of the software.


Purpose of CASE systems

Program window EasyCase in the environment of Windows.

Expensive systems for heterogeneous computing platforms and operating environments are among CASE means as rather inexpensive systems for personal computers with quite limited opportunities, and. Thus, today the market of software tools includes about 300 different CASE means, the best of which are used by the most part of the leading western firms. As a rule, the software tool which automates a certain set of processes of lifecycle of the software and has a number of such characteristics as is considered CASE means:

  • consolidation of certain components of CASE means which the controllability development process of information systems gives the chance;
  • repository;
  • existence of graphic means using which it is possible to describe and document information systems which will provide a user-friendly interface with the developer;

Component base of a CASE system

The following elements are a part of the integrated CASE means:

  • repository - the main CASE means. Its task - to ensure safety of versions of the project and its certain components, synchronization of acceptance of information from different developers in the course of group development, check of metadata on completeness and consistency;
  • development tools of applications, using languages 4GL and code generators;
  • testing aids;
  • means of documentation;
  • graphic means of the analysis and design which give the chance to create and edit hierarchically connected charts (for example, DFD, the ER chart, etc.) creating models of information systems;
  • means of reengineering.
  • means of configuration management;
  • management tools project.


Now there is a classification of CASE means by the following signs:

  • on types - this classification shows functional orientation of CASE funds for any processes of lifecycle;
  • on categories – such qualification determines integration level by the executed functions. Here separate local means which solve small autonomous problems, a set of partially integrated means which mentions the most part of stages of lifecycle of information systems belong. Also includes completely integrated means which support all lifecycle of information systems and are connected by the general repository;
  • on integration degree from DBMS;
  • according to available platforms;
  • on the applied methodologies and models of systems and a DB.

Standard classification almost completely matches the elements which are a part of CASE means and consists of the following types:

Means of planning and project management are a part of auxiliary types (SE Companion Microsoft Project etc.), means of configuration management PVCS Intersolv (());

The existing CASE systems
