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Mercedes-Benz GenH2 Truck

Developers: Mercedes-Benz AG
Date of the premiere of the system: September, 2020
Branches: Transport

2020: The announcement of Mercedes-Benz GenH2 Truck - the hydrogen truck with a stock of the course of 1000 km

In the middle of September, 2020 Mercedes-Benz provided the hydrogen truck with a stock the course of 1000 km. GenH2 Truck uses liquid hydrogen for creation of electricity via the battery of fuel elements which then feeds the system of the electric drive.

With a complete tank the hydrogen and electric Mercedes truck can overcome distance more than 1000 km that is comparable to the course of the diesel truck. Unlike developments of other companies the system of fuel GenH2 elements uses not gaseous hydrogen which is stored under pressure, and on liquid which is stored at a temperature minus 253 degrees Celsius. It will allow to use the fuel tanks, much easier and smaller by the sizes. So, the GenH2 truck is supplied with two tanks on 40 kg everyone.

Mercedes-Benz provided the hydrogen truck with a stock of the course of 1000 km

At the same time GenH2 Truck has advantage over truck with an accumulator electric actuator, such as Tesla Semi planned to release - GenH2 Truck differs in much faster refueling as hydrogen tanks can be filled in read minutes. The lack of this option consists in rather undeveloped infrastructure of refueling with liquid hydrogen (about 10% of a total quantity of hydrogen gas stations).

The GenH2 Truck truck should enter the market in 2025. In the serial version there will be a two-engined system, each of engines of which will be able continuously to issue 308 hp with a peak capacity of 442 hp and a torsional moment of 1577 N*m (the maximum moment – 2071 N*m). The rechargeable battery with a capacity of 70 kWh will be able temporarily to provide additional 400 hp of power at peak loads or at the movement uphill.

Daimler concluded partnership with Volvo Trucks for development of transmission. Both companies also consider the possibility of use of renewable energy sources for creation of infrastructure of refueling with hydrogen fuel.[1]
