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NORBIT implemented post-sale service of maintenance of clients in the Standard Group

Customers: Etalon Group (Standard LenSpecSMU) Standard of group of companies

Contractors: NORBIT
Product: Creatio (before bpm’online)

Project date: 2020/02  - 2020/08

2020: Completion of implementation of the distribution center for post-sale maintenance of clients

The NORBIT company (enters into LANIT group) continues development of the CRM system of Creatio in the Standard Group - one of corporations in the field of development and construction in Russia. On September 24, 2020 LANIT reported about it. At the next stage implementation of the distribution center for post-sale maintenance of clients is complete. Thanks to the updated functionality the average time of processing of one address of the client was reduced by 25%.

Creation and implementation of a single platform for work with customer appeals after purchase and quality evaluation of service became a main objective of the project. Service allows to fix requests in the CRM system from different communication links: social networks, messengers, telephony, email and "live" visits. Classification and routing of the registered addresses on responsibles is performed depending on subject of the address. The manager should not switch between programs, thanks to emergence of the Single window more.

During the project the functionality of automatic receiving a card with data of the client at an incoming call is implemented that reduced time of registration of the address in a system by 5 times. Integration with telephony helped to use the tool for tracking of the missed calls and implementation of a feedback. It helped to process 100% of addresses even taking into account peak load on calls and to reduce the number of repeated addresses. For quality control of communication with customers in telephony record and listening of a talk are configured.

For the project of the Standard Group the universal connector was developed for integration with social networks and messengers. The connector allows to diversify channels of receiving leads. For example, the client can write to an online chat on the website, in Telegram, Facebook, VK or Viber. The manager in CRM receives the notification on the new message with automatic detection of the client. In the Single window all history of communications with the client is visible, it is possible to send the answer to the messenger through CRM. In the next plans to implement such support in WhatsApp and Instagram.

Flexible configurations of the CRM system allow to prepare the operational reporting with unloading in Excel for company management.

For receiving assessment from client side the functionality of automatic SMS mailing for determination of the index of customer satisfaction of CSI is implemented.

More than a year ago in our company changes in the organization of communications of managers of aftersales service with buyers and creation of uniform point of entry for post-sale were about to happen. During the project we developed the standard of communication with the client that considerably reduced the number of repeated addresses and increased customer loyalty level. Thanks to the implemented module CRM, we can see all requests of the client on settling and quickly fulfill them. All this gives us the chance much quicker to transfer keys to buyers and to organize settling process.

The Standard group – the player in the real estate market which aims at high standards of service of the clients. An important component of success are the flexibility and dynamism of the internal systems capable to develop together with business and easily adapting to the current realities of the market. The CRM system of Creatio has potential of customization and effective setup of business processes. It is sure, the customer received the simple and reliable tool capable to increase competitive advantages of the company.