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Huawei Intelligent Twins

The name of the base system (platform): Artificial intelligence (AI, Artificial intelligence, AI)
Developers: Huawei
Date of the premiere of the system: 2020/09/25
Technology: Big Data,  Cloud Computing

Main article: Big Data

2020: Presentation of the Intelligent Twins system

On September 25, 2020 the Huawei company announced the Intelligent Twins system ("Intellectual doubles") – the systematized reference architecture for intellectual upgrade of state bodies and enterprises. Clients and partners of Huawei can develop own intelligent solutions based on the Intelligent Twins system for the purpose of intellectual transformation of all industries for implementation of intelligence in all scenarios.

Basis of Intelligent Twins is the cloud service, and a core — artificial intelligence. On the basis of interaction in a cloud, in network, in boundary architecture on the Intelligent Twins device creates the intelligent open system capable to perceive all measurements, to work jointly in any fields of activity, to take out exact judgments and to evolve continuously, providing intellectual experience for people, the cities and the enterprises in all scenarios.

The Shenzhen Intelligent Twins system was announced by the city of Shenzhen and Huawei company. A project objective is creation of the integrated system of deep learning for coordination of activity of the city. The "smart city" system capable to perceive, realize, evolve, save familiar lines will become a result of its implementation. It will urge on digital conversion of Shenzhen and will bring him to new level. The action was also attended by representatives of the Chinese oil university and China Faw Group to share the stories of successful use of Intelligent Twins in the oil and gas and industrial industries.

Before transition to digital and intellectual technologies the industries should overcome a set of calls. Treat them: separate terminal units, the differing requirements to connection, coexistence of old and new IT applications and also deficit of specialists in artificial intelligence. The industries can cope with these calls, combining industrial applications with technologies, for example with communication, cloud services, AI and calculations.

This idea was voiced by the president of business group of cloud computing and artificial intelligence of Huawei Hou Jinlong. In the speech on "Intelligent Twins: we build the intellectual world together" Hou Jinlong told: "In the industries there is a transition to higher level from cloud computing to intellectual technologies. AI innovations are not dated for the only scenario any more, and transition to the concept of use of intellectual technologies in all scenarios is an irreversible trend".

Intelligent Twins is the integrated system with interaction in five technology spheres integrating a cloud service, network, boundary architecture and the device. She is capable to perceive, realize, work and evolve. Improving Intelligent Twins, Huawei jointly with the partners will direct the efforts to acceleration of intellectual upgrade of state bodies and the enterprises, expansion of the industry market, development of sectors of the software and services and also the sector of peripheral calculations.

The Intelligent Twins system provides the reference architecture consisting of four layers: intellectual interaction, connection, hub and applications. Together they create the intelligent system capable to work jointly in a cloud, in network, in the peripheral environment and on the device.

  • Intellectual interaction: figuratively speaking this layer represents the given Intelligent Twins hands. It connects the physical and digital worlds, allowing the software, data and algorithms of AI to overflow freely between a cloud, boundary architecture and the device. The layer of intellectual interaction uses Intelligent EdgeFabric (IEF), the operating system on border and in a cloud in order that the Intelligent Twins system could perceive and work. IEF can connect to different operating systems, for example HarmonyOS therefore the ecosystem of HarmonyOS can be connected with ease to HUAWEI CLOUD.
  • Intellectual connection: it is a trunk of the Intelligent Twins system which provides connection between an intellectual hub and a layer of intellectual interaction. With its help the Intelligent Twins system is capable to work in any scenarios, to connect any things and ensures joint work of applications, data and organizations.
  • Intellectual hub: it is a brain and the center of decision making of the Intelligent Twins system. It is constructed on cloud infrastructure and ensures operation of applications and comprehensive artificial intelligence, data processing and also support of smart applications for all scenarios. The layer of an intellectual hub works based on a hybrid cloud – the best basis for intellectual upgrade – and the AI technologies serving as the catalyst of innovations in the main business processes with industy know-hows.
  • Intellectual applications: this layer best of all shows values of the Intelligent Twins system. Huawei implements innovations together with the clients and partners, combining information and communication technologies with industry experience, rebuilding interaction with users, optimizing processes and opening a way to the innovation process.

Hou Jinlong also told about approach of Huawei to development of Intelligent Twins. Huawei considers that the hybrid cloud base, possibilities of AI and an open ecosystem is three keys to creation of the reliable Intelligent Twins system. Intelligent Twins, cloud computing and AI comprise the technologies necessary for an intellectual hub.

  • Hybrid cloud base: within intellectual upgrade many clients want to get access to the advanced services with expanded functionality, at the same time ensuring data security and observance of regulations on places, at the same time saving usual to them a method of operation and maintenance. However traditional solutions in the field of private and public cloud services not fully meet these requirements. The hybrid cloud solution of HUAWEI CLOUD synchronizes possibilities of a public cloud and can be unrolled locally. From the mixed resources to hybrid opportunities this solution will be approved with an organized architecture and office processes of state bodies and enterprises, implementing one cloud from the point of view of users.
  • Possibilities of AI: this kernel of the Intelligent Twins system. HUAWEI CLOUD facilitates development of AI-applications. HUAWEI CLOUD issued the computing solution with complete lifecycle based on the platform of development of AI ModelArts, allowing the enterprises to develop the platform for calculations of knowledge. It uses a number of AI technologies for extraction, representation and joint calculation of knowledge, and then generates more exact models and methods using which people and machines, effectively combining AI with industy know-hows, can implement AI in the basic office systems of the enterprises.
  • Open ecosystem: a key to achievement of the goal of creation of intelligence for any scenarios by means of the Intelligent Twins system is creation of the prospering ecosystem which will simplify to interested persons joint work and will increase its efficiency. HUAWEI CLOUD is positioned as the neutral supplier of cloud services. The company aims to turn HUAWEI CLOUD into the best platform of development of the services and applications working according to the SaaS model to help partners to achieve success in business and to make the contribution to development of the sector of the self-sufficient software and services.

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