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Huawei Cloud

The name of the base system (platform): Artificial intelligence (AI, Artificial intelligence, AI)
Developers: Huawei
Last Release Date: 2019/09/20
Technology: Cloud Computing,  IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service,  Data Centers - Data Center Technologies


Huawei Cloud is a cloud computing system that provides horizontal and vertical access, as well as data convergence.

Huawei Cloud is transforming the IT infrastructure of traditional data centers to effectively manage operations and increase commercial value.[1]

2021: Launch data center for 1 million servers

At the end of September 2021, Huawei put into operation the first of the cloud data center in Guiyang (Guizhou province, China), which is designed for 1 million servers. According to the company, the new Huawei Cloud facility will also serve as a global base for Huawei IT engineers and a base for training employees, which will be able to receive from about 600 to 800 specialists.

The first stage of construction involves the construction of a facility with an area of ​ ​ about 480,000 square meters, divided into three parts. As a result, there were 51 buildings, nine of which are used as data centers and the rest as support rooms.

Huawei launched a data center for 1 million servers

The construction of the data center began in August 2017, in total it is planned to build more than one million servers. The facility will support services such as Huawei Cloud, Huawei Process IT and Consumer Cloud. The PUE energy efficiency ratio of the new data center is 1.12 - the territory uses natural cooling, and excess heat is sent to the local heating network.

The company estimates that when operating at full load, the data center can save 1.10 billion kWh of electricity and reduce carbon emissions by 810,000 tons per year, which is equivalent to planting 35,670,000 trees per year.

Huawei Cloud has five large data centers in China in Guiyang, Ulanchab, the Jing Jin Ji metropolitan area, as well as in the Yangtze Golden Triangle and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area. The company also launched cloud data centers in Singapore, Chile, Brazil, Mexico and Peru.

In September 2021, Huawei also signed a cooperation agreement with Yuneng Holdings to develop a "new renewable energy grid," as well as an agreement with Henan Province to develop rooftop solar panel projects.[2]

Presentation data "[Huawei Cloud Solutions as a Basis for Financial Sector Transformation]"
Kutakov Pavel, Architect of Cloud Solutions, Huawei]]

2020: Termination of development in Russia

On March 3, 2020, SberCloud (a subsidiary of Sberbank) and Huawei announced a strategic partnership and the launch of a joint cloud platform SberCloud.Advanced. The Chinese company decided to focus on this partnership and stopped the development of Huawei Cloud in the Russian market. More details here.


Launch 43 Cloud Services with Ascend Processors

On September 20, 2019, the company Huawei officially announced the launch of 43 cloud services based on processors Ascend Huawei Cloud. With them, Huawei aims to provide computing capabilities for universal access access to technology cloud computing and intelligent solutions.

Hou Jinlong, Huawei president of cloud-based products and services and artificial intelligence, noted that 43 cloud AI services based on Ascend processors are designed to "realize great computing potential and provide universal access to artificial intelligence technologies." The services provided include virtual AI servers (AI Elastic Cloud Servers, ECS), which more than double the performance and are widely used to generate outputs using AI, as well as training AI and autonomous driving systems . Other services noted by Huawei were presented:

  • ImageSearch (image search) and Content Modulation (moderation content). Thanks to the use of Ascend 310 processors, the responsiveness of services has increased with a reduction in cost up to 30% of the original. In addition, deep hardware and software integration with dedicated hardware components for fast graphics processing, as well as architecture reorganization and model compression significantly improve image processing efficiency. This reduces workload demands and frees up network resources.
  • The Knowledge Graph enterprise-class service helps experts improve the efficiency of building knowledge graphs by more than 70%. The knowledge-based innovation model simplifies business processes, enabling rapid expansion and updating of knowledge graphs. This model offers one-step knowledge extraction, information mapping, convergence, and management capabilities at each stage of the lifecycle. With Ascend processors, the service processes requests for tens of billions of instances and hundreds of billions of links in seconds.
  • The service of autonomous driving Octopus available in HUAWEI CLOUD cloud functions on the basis of the platform of big data CarbonData from Huawei. It efficiently processes large amounts of information, stores petabytes of driving system testing data, and searches for hundreds of millions of records per second. The Octopus service, supported by the Ascend 310 and 910 processors, provides automatic tools (data processing, training and modeling) for each stage of the autonomous driving process. It reduces the execution of iterative algorithms in autonomous driving systems from months to weeks, helping car companies develop autonomous driving products faster, Huawei says.

Rent 500 racks in Moscow data centers

February 27, 2019 it became known that Huawei rented 500 racks in, and data centers 3Data IXcellerate in DataPro. To Moscow Thus, the Chinese company localizes its own data, including preparing to launch the payment system. Huawei Pay

The newspaper Kommersant wrote about the placement of Huawei infrastructure in the capital's data centers, citing its source in the IT market, as well as representatives of Huawei, 3Data and IXcellerate. The director of IXcellerate Dmitry Fokin said that the number of racks leased by Huawei exceeded 200 by the beginning of 2019, and by the end this number should grow to 500. In 3Data, the number of Huawei racks may reach 1000 in the next couple of years, said 3Data CEO Ilya Hala.

Huawei leased 500 racks in Moscow data centers for cloud services
We have already entered into a licensing agreement with Microsoft, are working on solutions with other vendors to provide software from our cloud, and are also considering partnerships with operators to provide them with the opportunity to resell our cloud, "Arthur Pärn, director of solutions at Huawei Cloud in Russia, told the publication.

Huawei plans to enter the top three players in the Russian market within three years, in particular, to rent racks in St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg.

According to iKS-Consulting analysts cited by the newspaper, in 2018 the volume of the Russian cloud market reached 68.4 billion rubles or $1.1 billion, which is 25% or 17.5% more than a year ago, respectively.

Maxim Berezin, director of business development at KROK Cloud Services, says that in the face of high competition in the Russian cloud services market, Huawei will hardly affect its structure, and its compatriots working in the Russian Federation may become the first customers of the Chinese company.

One of Kommersant's interlocutors believes that the most attractive part of the market - state information systems - will still be with Russian service providers.[3]

Announcement in Russia

On January 30, 2019, Huawei introduced its Huawei Cloud video cloud in Moscow, which is based on artificial intelligence technology.

The cloud, which provides the operation of computing servers, streaming platforms, video services, etc., was launched earlier in China, and later in a number of countries in Europe and Asia on the basis of telecom operators. Users pay for services under the "pay for what you use" scheme, which allows you to optimize costs. In addition, the solution has the ability to scale quickly, and is also protected from failures and hacking, the company noted.

As of January 30, the Huawei cloud in total offers more than 90 services and more than 4,500 options, has more than 500 technical, more than 2000 service and more than 12 thousand channel partners around the world. The growth of its users over the past year amounted to 238%. One of the segments of public clouds Huawei is deployed in, the Russian DPC providing services to Russian customers in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2018: Availability of Bosch IoT Suite services

On October 11, 2018, Huawei announced that it had entered into a partnership agreement with Bosch. According to the company, as part of the agreements, the two leaders will develop the Internet of Things and provide access to Bosch IoT Suite software services in China on the Huawei Cloud platform.

The Bosch software platform combines Internet-connected objects, simplifying the exchange of data between numerous digital services and business models. The first service that will be available to Chinese consumers on the Huawei Cloud platform will be Bosch IoT Remote Manager - it is designed to control and monitor gateways, sensors and devices. Access to other Bosch IoT Suite services will open in 2019.

Bosch Software Innovations has successfully implemented a number of IoT projects, starting with Industry 4.0 and ending with connected transport. The leading Chinese car manufacturer chose the Bosch IoT Suite package on the Huawei Cloud platform to update car software over the wireless channel (FOTA). It is assumed that the solution will be installed on millions of connected cars in China in the coming years.

Of particular note is that for consumers China , the Bosch IoT Suite provides services such as the Vehicle Management Solution, which is available locally on the Huawei Cloud platform. This tool allows the vehicle to be connected throughout its lifetime. It provides the technology base for cloudy services such as predictive diagnostics ON and wireless channel updates. Software is a secure communication interface between the car, cloud, and services. Data management allows car manufacturers or fleet managers to organize data on cars, analyze them and constantly update the car software.

In the future, Bosch and Huawei intend to develop an integrated comprehensive IoT offer. Huawei is developing hardware gateways based on IoT, on which Bosch IoT Gateway Software will be pre-installed. They will be managed using Bosch IoT Remote Manager on the Huawei Cloud platform, and as a result of their close integration, customers will receive a perfect IoT solution.

Bosch and Huawei share similar views on the Internet of Things based on open source code and industry standards - both companies intend to create modern ecosystems in the fields of road transport, industry, smart city and home, and agriculture.


Huawei Cloud Services

Huawei Cloud services allow large companies to cope with the difficulties that stand in the way of cloud business transformation, and small and medium-sized businesses to successfully implement a growth strategy.

According to September 2017, Huawei Cloud cloud services with secure access can be used by various government departments, and Huawei Cloud G2B (government-business) cloud services will ensure effective interaction between the state and business.[4]

Huawei cloud computing systems allow you to create a platform for several departments at once, as well as for one campus network. They provide high levels of protection and flexible unified management, minimizing operating costs.

Features of Huawei Cloud

According to September 2017, the features of Huawei Cloud services are:

  • Openness
  • Stability
  • Global support (available in over 170 countries)

Huawei actively collaborates with more than 12 thousand cloud service providers and, according to September 2017, has already released more than 65 Huawei Cloud services of 10 different categories.[5]

Launch 3DExperience in Huawei Cloud

On September 6, 2017, during the Huawei Connect 2017 conference, Huawei and Dassault Systèmes signed a protocol of intent involving the launch of the Dassault Systèmes 3DExperience platform in the Huawei Cloud cloud.

The partnership will allow customers from various industries to access integrated enterprise solutions in the field of design, development, verification and production. The agreement will combine the capabilities of high-performance cloud solutions of Huawei High Performance Computing and industry solutions of Dassault Systèmes.

The cloud will play a key role in accelerating digital transformation. Huawei Cloud helps customers achieve commercial success by realizing trust, openness, and service around the world. We look forward to working actively with Dassault Systèmes to create an integrated digital cloud ecosystem to support digital transformation in the industrial sector as a whole, "commented Zheng Dianhai, vice president of Huawei Cloud BU.

Availability in the Huawei cloud of Microsoft applications

On September 5, 2017, during the Huawei Connect 2017 conference, Huawei and Microsoft signed a protocol of intent under which Microsoft applications will be presented on the Huawei Cloud platform. The two companies plan to work closely in the field of open cloud services to ensure the proper quality of services for enterprises and help them in the process of digital transformation.

Huawei and Microsoft have long been working together on cloud computing - Huawei Cloud launched on the platform Windows-server and RDS for. Microsoft SQL Server As part of the September 5 agreement, companies will present even more Microsoft corporate products online. Joint development allows customers to use hosting various enterprise applications as a service. Partners intend to jointly expand market boundaries and marketing programs.

Huawei Cloud will provide Microsoft with opportunities to create an open ecosystem that guarantees benefits for all participants. The signing of this protocol of intent was the beginning of strategic cooperation between the two companies, said Zheng Yelai, president of Huawei's cloud and IT solutions division.
