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Nokia signed the delivery contract of solutions 5G for BT Group

Customers: BT Group (before British Telecom)

Contractors: Nokia Corporation
Product: Nokia AirScale

Project date: 2020/08

2020: The agreement on supply of equipment for transition to a 5G

On September 30, 2020 Nokia announced prolongation of the long-term strategic relations with BT and distribution of these relations on technology 5G after Nokia became solution provider 5G RAN for this British operator. Within this transaction which turns Nokia into the supplier of network equipment for BT Nokia will begin supply of equipment and services for wireless networks of access of BT in all territory of Great Britain to upgrade them to level 5G and to help BT company to save reputation.

For September, 2020 the BT network based on solutions of Nokia covers the territory of Greater London and a middle part of Great Britain, including rural areas. Now it will extend, covering a set of other big and small cities of the United Kingdom. It will increase a zone of presence of Nokia and will help BT company to support the initiative of the government of Great Britain of restriction of use of vendors with the high level of risk in the British network infrastructure.

Nokia will deliver to the customer of the solution AirScale Single RAN (S-RAN) for use in premises and on the open area, including solutions 5G RAN, base stations of AirScale and the solution for wireless access of AirScale Nokia. These solutions will help BT company to become stronger in the British market and to provide to subscribers communication services with the minimum cross-network delay and also to minimize complexity and to increase efficiency of network. Besides, within this contract of Nokia optimizes BT 2G networks and 4G and together with BT will work on development of an ecosystem of OpenRAN.

The program of transformation of BT networks includes use of the software solutions Software ng-SDM and NetAct Nokia supporting transition to technology 5G. These solutions will be established in the existing network architecture. They will become a basis and a single platform for mobile services of fifth generation. Nokia will also provide to the customer the gateway Cell Site Gateway necessary for network transport.

In addition, Nokia will provide the services of digital design and implementation allowing to enter quicker the market and also services of optimization and technical support.

Digital services have huge value for the economic future of Great Britain. They create jobs and provide sustainable development. For this reason the BT makes investments in such key areas as fiber optics and a 5G. In high-growth competitive market it is very important to select technology correctly.

I am glad that the BT expands cooperation with Nokia in the field of 5G RAN and does Nokia by the infrastructure partner. Our companies cooperate already more than a quarter of the century and provide to residents of Great Britain network services. We are proud of the fact that we support the strategy of transition of BT to technology 5G and are aimed to strengthen our cooperation with this company in the future.