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2024: The Russian Federation began to produce test strips for glucometers, which are 95% Russian
In Russia, they began to produce test strips for glucometers, the degree of localization of which reached 95%. This became known in early September 2024. Production is carried out by Diakont at the KorolevPharm plant in the Moscow region. The new project, launched in 2023, involves the release of full-cycle test strips and glucometers, which was made possible by the installation of modern equipment that meets international standards. Read more here
2019: Shortage of test strips for diabetics in all regions of the Russian Federation
In all regions of Russia in 2019, there were not enough test strips for diabetics. This is stated in a study by experts of the section "Medicine and Pharmaceuticals" of the Council under the Government of the Russian Federation on guardianship in the social sphere.
Even the current standards for the number of measurements are not met. The share of providing test strips on average in the Russian Federation is at an extremely low level, the document says, an excerpt from which is provided by Kommersant. |
So, in 2019, on average, one patient had 0.61 blood glucose measurements per day, while for example, for adults with type 1 diabetes (insulin-dependent diabetes), the recommended frequency of blood glucose measurement is four times a day.
By the end of 2019, there were about 4.4 million adults in Russia with the second (most common) type of diabetes, in which insulin can be replaced with other drugs. Approximately 20% of this number receive insulin therapy, they are also advised to check their sugar levels four times a day. However, taking into account the issued means of self-control last year, one such patient accounted for 0.13 measurements per day. The indicator for children with type 1 diabetes turned out to be higher, but amounted to less than half of the recommended frequency: 2.8, when recommending to determine the blood sugar level six to ten times a day. In this case, test strips should be allocated to diabetics at the expense of the state.
According to Roszdravnadzor, the leaders in the number of test strips per day per patient in 2019 were Moscow, Arkhangelsk Region, Republic of Crimea, and the lowest provision of self-control is observed in the Novgorod Region, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Primorsky Territory and Kostroma Region.[1]