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"The first Bit" automated personnel records and payroll in "The railway trading company"

Customers: Railway Trading Company (RTC)

Moscow; Trade

Product: 1C: Payroll and HR Management 8 CORP
На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3

Project date: 2020/03  - 2020/09
Number of licenses: 164

2020: Automation of personnel records

On October 27, 2020 The First Beat company reported about ohm that her specialists installed a single system based on "1C: Payroll and HR Management CORP" in JSC ZhTK company, subsidiary of JSC Russian Railways, having automated 164 jobs.

In JSC ZhTK personnel records and payroll were performed are decentralized in systems: "1C: Payroll and HR Management 2.5", "1C: Payroll and the personnel on platform 7.7", "1S:KAMIN", "1C: Payroll and HR Management 3.1", was not the consolidating base in which the summary regulated and management reporting would be prepared. The format of databases was not uniform because of use of the non-standard configurations "1C: Enterprise" which were supported by different third-party contractors. Settings of accounting systems were not uniform, the same mechanism was implemented in each branch individually, the job title and divisions in a system did not correspond to approved.

Personnel orders were printed in Word or after formation in a system were edited manually. In branches the interpretation of structure of calculation bases of identical allowances and awards differed. There was no uniform approach to functionality of each service, different services were responsible for the same works in branches: personnel, settlement and OTIZ.

Responsible persons of central office for obtaining operational information on charges needed to make a request and to expect it accomplishment by the contractor in branch. If the answer is made not in a required section, it was necessary to pass all way with a request again that increased report generation time since branches are in different time zones.

Formation of postings for charge of provisions on holidays was costly on time. Adhered to a uniform technique of formation of postings not in full.

There were no uniform automated principles of formation of the regulated and industry reportings that increased terms and was followed by the raised labor costs, including at consolidation of the reporting in general under the company.

Understanding importance of automation and transition of the company to other system of personnel records and payroll the management of JSC ZhTK addressed to The First Beat company. The tasks of ensuring implementation and the organization of effective support of uniform account policy for all structural units of the enterprise were set.

Methods of providing data had to become uniform according to uniform account policy, existing rules of the legislation in the field of personnel records and payroll. It was necessary to implement procedures of information exchange between structural units of JSC ZhTK and also with the interacting state departments, including tax authorities. Important point – to provide execution of requirements about personnel records.

The enterprise needed implementation of the standard software for cutting of costs for operation of automated information systems of personnel records and payroll. The personal and user data which are stored in a system required protection, safety and safety of use.

Specialists of The First Bit company carried out a number of preparatory work: templates of requests to branches for the main characteristics of each type of charges were formed in several stages: the general and disputed issues were analyzed, selected. Further the description of characteristics of each charge / deduction was formed, the explanation of application and results were sent on branches. On the basis of these data settings in a system were carried out.

As a result of implementation of a single system based on "1C: Payroll and HR Management CORP" factory job became centralized and regulated. Responsibles of central office who have the right to enter new data and to change existing were selected. The reference book of Division was provided to uniform codification, all names are checked and modified. Diagrams of changes with names on surnames of employees, years were, etc. deleted. The standard mechanism of changes and the modes of works began to be used. Names were provided to uniform type that the operation mode was clear to any user by the name.

Within the project completion of a configuration under requirements was made:

  • formation of different orders,
  • accounting of education of employees,
  • accounting of authority punishments and encouragement,
  • accounting of the issued service records,
  • accounting of payment of work in festive and the days off,
  • designer of employment contracts,
  • module of automatic formation of postings,
  • requirements of the collective agreement.

In addition, mechanisms of integration with the system of accounting, tax accounting and treasuries "1C: Holding Management 8" using the data bus RabbitMQ are created.

The project was implemented in a short time and mentioned a big geographically-distributed structure. All works were carried out in a remote format. Transition from different software products to a single system is made that often required operational changes in business processes of the customer, or operational changes in already configured and used algorithms. Formation of postings on estimated liabilities needed to be implemented so that transition to standard functionality in the future (in a year) was painless and did not require "completion on removal of completion".

As a result within the project specialists of The First Bit company:

  • implemented a single system based on "1C: Payroll and HR Management CORP",
  • executed replication of a centralized system on branches of the company,
  • provided remote training of employees in different regions of the country,
  • executed normalization of NSI,
  • led methods of reflection of salary to a uniform type, are structured and loaded from an accounting system with prohibition on creation new,
  • converted and transferred initial data.

All works were performed most quickly, without stopping the current works.

As a result for 10% labor costs were reduced by personnel records in divisions of the company and for 15% obtaining the managerial and regulated reporting accelerated.

The chief accountant of JSC ZhTK Vasily Zagrudny commented on the implemented project:

System implementation "1C: Payroll and HR Management CORP" allowed JSC ZhTK to automate accounting of personnel and formation of personnel documents, to optimize work of the specialists who are responsible for payroll, to pass to automatic formation of the operational reporting and also to minimize quantity of errors and to increase the level of information security during the work with personal data of employees.