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Trishin Novel Aleksandrovich
Trishin Novel Aleksandrovich



Deputy Minister of Digital Development of the Kaluga Region - Head of the Department for Organizing Project Activities

For May 2021, Trishin Roman Alexandrovich - Deputy Minister - Head of the Department for Organizing Project Activities of the Ministry of Digital Development of the Kaluga Region.

114th place in the ranking of regional IT officials in terms of income

For the period from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021, the family income of the Deputy Minister of Digital Development of the Kaluga Region, Head of the Department for Organizing Project Activities Roman Trishin amounted to 3.2 million rubles. The personal income of the official is 2,435,402 rubles, the income of family members is 744,757 rubles. As a result, 114th place in the ranking of regional IT officials by income for 2021 according to CNews Analytics[1].
