Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Liholai Maxims Anatolyevich
Liholai Maxims Anatolyevich


Was born on October 3, 1972.


1994: KNU of Taras Shevchenko

In 1994 graduated from the Kiev national university of Taras Shevchenko, specialty - Jurisprudence, qualification - Lawyer.


1994: Inkombank

From 6/1/1994 to 6/1/1996 - the legal adviser of legal department of Sakhalinsky branch of JSC AB Inkombank (the license is revoked in 1998).

From 6/1/1996 to 12/15/1998 - the general counsel of Sakhalinsky branch of JSC AB Inkombank.

1999: CB Dolinsk

From 1/4/1999 to 5/15/2000 - the legal issues specialist, the head of legal department of CB Dolinsk (Ltd).

2000: Vice chairman of the board

Since 5/15/2000 - the head of department of legal and administrative support - the vice chairman of the board of Bank.

Since 12/17/2001 - the board member.