Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Reshetov Igor Vladimirovich
Reshetov Igor Vladimirovich


Was born on May 29, 1964 in Ukraine.


1987: the 2nd MOLGMI of N.I. Pirogov

In 1987 graduated from the 2nd Moscow medical institute of N.I. Pirogov (since 2010 - the Russian national research medical university of N.I. Pirogov).


1987: MNIOI of P.A. Herzen

Since 1987 worked at the Moscow research oncological institute of P.A. Herzen. In 1991 it is appointed the head of clinic of microsurgery of institute.

2003: FMBA of Russia

Since 2003 - the head of the department of oncology with a course of reconstructive and plastic surgery GOU IPK of FMBA.



In 2014 became the corresponding member, and in 2016 it was elected the academician of RAS.

The first MGMU of I.M. Sechenov

In 2014 became the head of the department of plastic surgery of the First MGMU of Sechenov. Since 2018 in parallel directs clinic of oncology, reconstructive and plastic surgery and radiology. The doctor of medical sciences, professor (since 2002).

The founder of IHKV of V.D. Reshetov

Founder and chief scientific consultant of Institute of surgical correction and recovery of V.D. Reshetov.


Winner of a number of domestic and foreign awards, including two Awards of the Government of the Russian Federation in science and technology, award for the best report of the European society Onkokhirurgov, award of the Russian Academy of Medical Science in oncology of N.N. Blochin. "The excellent student of health care", etc. is awarded with the Gold medal of the British institute of patents and inventions, the diploma of the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, Ivan Kalita's medal of the Moscow region, the breastplate.