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2021/03/03 14:47:45

Russian Development Institutions


2021: The Supervisory Board approved new KPIs for ВЭБ.РФ

On January 22, 2021, it became known that the Supervisory Board of ВЭБ.РФ (headed by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Grigorenko) approved new key performance indicators (KPI, KPI) of the state corporation. They are linked to the achievement of national development goals established by decree of President Vladimir Putin. More details here.


Over 15 years, 1 trillion rubles of budget funds have been invested in Russian innovative development institutions

For 15 years - from 2006 to 2020. - More than 965 billion budget funds were invested in Russian innovative development institutions (IR). This is evidenced by the data of Roskatnacheschestvo.

During this period, 3.6 trillion were allocated from the federal budget to development institutions. In rubles 2020, the amount of funding should be a record 750 billion rubles. This is almost 0.7%, GDP or 3.8% of all federal budget expenditures, they write "" Sheets with reference to the data of the Federal Treasury.

In particular, innovative development institutions (Skolkovo, Rusnano, etc.) received 965 billion rubles, ВЭБ.РФ and other banks - 2.1 trillion rubles, regional and other IR - another 560 billion rubles.

According to the publication, according to the plan, the share of innovative products by 2020 was supposed to reach 25%, but the indicator was only 11%. In addition, most of the targets of the innovative development strategy until 2020, which was adopted in 2011, have been failed. According to the innovation index, Russia is in 47th place among 131 countries of the world, the newspaper said.

They made a bet on ventures, startups, IPOs on the stock exchange, and so on, but this did not work with our undeveloped financial market. The worst scenario of the strategy was implemented, in which growth does not occur, "said Dan Medovnikov, director of the Institute for Innovation Management of the Higher School of Business of the HSE.

According to experts interviewed by the publication, the reason for the inefficient spending of development institutions was the special legal status proposed by him, as well as their low transparency.

Most often, development institutions are criticized for:

  • non-use of funds allocated and their placement on deposits;
  • investments in foreign companies that do not involve the import of technology;
  • unreasonably high salaries of top managers;
  • corruption.[1]

Russian government introduces new KPI system to evaluate development institutions

At the end of November 2020, it became known about the new KPI system, which will appear in development institutions after a large-scale reform of the Russian economy.

In terms of assessing the effectiveness of development institutions, a completely new approach will also be implemented - the new KPI system. It will allow you to see the results of the work and evaluate its quality in dynamics, and not leave summing up at the end of the year, as it was before, "Deputy Prime Minister and head of the government apparatus Dmitry Grigorenko told Kommersant.

According to him, earlier development institutions for the most part formulated themselves goals that need to be achieved. In the new model, they will be given "not some abstract, but specific and measurable tasks" that meet national development goals.

Russian government introduces new KPI system to evaluate development institutions

Grigorenko noted that "the state should understand what and how the results for which institutions work and are financed are evaluated," and the results themselves should be correlated "with the goals set by the president." According to the head of the government apparatus, both the goals and results of development institutions "should be understood by society and every citizen."

At the same time, most KPIs will be determined in 2021. The reform can be considered completed after the development institutions work on the new KPIs and achieve them, Grigorenko concluded.

Explaining why it was decided to concentrate the functions of non-sectoral development institutions in ВЭБ.РФ, Grigorenko noted that in this matter "both the scale of the functions of this development institute and its experience in investment activities were taken into account."

First of all, on the basis of ВЭБ.РФ, we need a large and centralized investment block, this follows from our tasks. And finally, the functionality of many transferred development institutions for the current chairman of Vnesheconombank is not new. Igor Shuvalov until 2018 was directly responsible for the work of a large part of the institutions that are now included in the ВЭБ.РФ. He and his team know these institutions better than anyone else, "Grigorenko concluded.[2]
