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RGANTD Russian state archive of scientific and technical documentation




The history of the Russian state archive of scientific and technical documentation begins in 1974 when as a result of the address of scientists, specialists and the public in governing bodies of the country the Governmental Decree of April 30 created the Center of the state storage of space documentation (TsKD, after RNITsKD) — the only state archive with polyspecific structure of documents on stories of the domestic missile and space equipment and astronautics. Tasks of the center included selection and the organization of the state document storage, carrying out scientific research on physical and chemical safety and their automated processing.

RNITsKD funds formed from documents of the participating organizations of space activity, publications in mass media on space, personal archives of astronauts and missile and space equipment specialists, memoirs of scientists and the equipment.

In 1995, as a result of consolidation of the Russian research center of space documentation, the Russian state scientific and technical archive in Samara the Russian state archive of scientific and technical documentation was created. RGANTD was a part also Laboratories of microfilming and restoration of documents of federal archives. In 2016 RGA in Samara became independent archive.

As a result of reorganization of RGANTD seriously expanded a profile of the completing. If earlier funds of archive allowed to trace only a way of origin, formation and development of domestic astronautics, then now they cover 20 industries of the national economy, including documents of the enterprises of the State Committee for Defence Industries, documents from the scientific and technical organizations of a civil and military profile, state and other patterns of ownership — i.e. all scientific and technical documentation of the country.

RGANTD locates the specialized storages equipped with special cabinets and racks 5,740 rm long, automatic systems of regulation of temperature moisture conditions, the security and fire warning. Stored in RGANTD there are 692,360 units of storage, including: scientific and technical documentation — 364,936 units, documents of personal origin — 40,054 units, film documents — 8,331 units, documentary photographs — 105,829 units, phonodocuments — 9,853 pieces.

Sources of completing are over 500 organizations. The archive is actively completed with documents of personal funds.

The Russian state archive of scientific and technical documentation is right the mission — not only to keep traditions, to save and increase documentary heritage of citizens, societies and the states, but also to implement innovations and to keep up to date. Already today RGANTD — one of the leading federal archives in the field of creation and implementation of modern information technologies: develops and supports a local network of archive (more than 140 workstations); provides support of the automated archive technologies and databases of archive and industry resources; carries out works on digitization and loading to storage systems of documents on a paper basis and also audiovisual documents from RGANTD funds; ensures program technical support and information security of RGANTD Internet center which part 21 servers, 7 storage systems, the communication equipment are; maintains operability of a hardware-software complex of intra archive, interdepartmental infrastructure.

On servers of RGANTD Internet center the official site of Rosarkhiv, the Archives of Russia portal, information resources of Rosarkhiv and federal archives are placed.

Help and search means of RGANTD include 12 directory databases integrated into the uniform program and information KAISA Archive complex.

Today RGANTD already plays a role of the industry center. Except LMRD, as a part of RGANTD the department of the interarchive information and communication projects (IICP) and Information reference center of federal state archives (SITs FGA) perform the activity.

SITs FGA — the important division of RGANTD created according to the decision of board of Rosarkhiv in 2012. The purpose of creation of Information reference center — process optimization of rendering public services on information support of citizens and the organizations. SITs performs information support of applicants on the basis of documents of Archive fund of the Russian Federation, processes requests in federal archives and creates databases about storage locations of documents on staff. Consolidation of efforts of archives — participants of specialized community in the field of preserving of domestic scientific and technical heritage and also mastering of new platforms for promoting of archive documents on stories of science and technology is in the short term planned.


On September 12, 1974 — Research center of technical documentation of the USSR (NITSTD of the USSR)

On July 26, 1989 — Research center of space documentation of the USSR (NITSKD of the USSR)

On June 24, 1992 — the Russian Research Center of Space Documentation (RRCSD)

On June 9, 1995 — the Russian State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation (RSASTD)

On January 26, 2011 — Federal state institution "Russian State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation"