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Almazov's center received the new KT-scanner of Siemens for 165.8 million rubles

Customers: NMITs of V.A. Almazov (The national medical research center)

Project date: 2020/12

In the middle of December, 2020 National Medical Research Center (NMRC) of V.A. Almazov of the Russian Ministry of Health announced putting into operation KT- Siemens Somatom the Force systems which, according to in organization, became the first in the Russian market.

The scanner has a powerful x-ray tube with filters from tin which reduce a dose of x-ray radiation. It allows to carry out by KT at heavy patients on free breath without image quality loss and also regardless of heart rate – this factor constrained quality of researches.

Also in the press service of the center of Almazov noted that at the tomograph the fastest rotational speed of a gentra (four revolutions per second) which together with some other features allows to reach the highest speed of data collection in the industry (730 mm / c).

In Almazov's center the new KT-scanner of Siemens for 165.8 million rubles appeared

One more feature of a system — simultaneous use of two x-ray tubes. It allows to reach high scanning speed and also to bring researches to essentially new level of fabric sensitivity, considerably increasing quality of diagnostics. The similar technology was already used in Almazov's center earlier — in the KT-device Siemens Somatom Definition which is used in organization several years.

It is noted that thanks to the new device specialists had an opportunity to conduct researches at heavy patients on free breath without image quality loss and also to execute KT of heart regardless of heart rate — the pacing limiting factor for this type of researches.

Almazov's center signed the delivery contract of the new computer tomograph of Siemens in June, 2020 with the Moscow company "Solutions in the field of Construction and Design of Medical Objects" (ROSMO). Then it was talked of the amount of 165.8 million rubles.[1]
