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Paradzhanov Sergey Iosifovich


Main article: Cinema of Russia


On December 17, 1973 during the visit to the patient with a typhoid to the son to Kiev the director Sergey Paradzhanov was arrested and placed in Lukyanovsky prison. Charges of "seduction of men" and "the organization of a brothel" were brought to Paradzhanov.

When Paradzhanov was in prison, M. Antonioni, Federico Fellini and Tonino Guerra collected 40 thousand dollars (the amount enormous for those times) and transferred to Soyuzkino with a request to improve conditions of its stay in the camp. Soyuzkino rejected a gift: "At us all should sit in identical conditions".

Nevertheless Fellini constantly sent to Paradzhanov sendings with products. The camp commander began to try to find out: who such this Federico?! Paradzhanov on a blue eye answered: "It is actually Fedor, my brother. He still the Little Octobrist got to Italy to our revolutionary grandmother … And even it took a surname – Fellini that in Italian means "indestructible"".

And when took away pencils from him and prohibited to draw, he scratched profiles of great people on covers from kefir, filled in with pitch and did such "Paradzhanov's medals".

One its hand-made article with Pushkin's profile got to Fellini, and that made of it a silver medal which became the main award at a film festival in Rimini …

It was received by Mastroianni, Sophia Loren and Milosh Forman.

Thalers, 1974-1977. Made of aluminum foil of dairy covers, Paradzhanov cut them the nails. The one that on the right above, was used at the Gold Apricot film festival.