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Rosatom Additive Technology Center Opened at Moscow Polymetallic Plant Site

Customers: Rusatom - Additive Technologies (RusAT)

Product: Rosatom RusMelt 3D printers

Project date: 2020/07  - 2020/12

2020: Opening of the Additive Technology Center

On December 26, 2020, it became known that the Rusatom-Additive Technologies company opened its first Additive Technologies Center (CAT) at the site of the Moscow Polymetallic Plant.

На площадке «Moscow polymetals plant "opened a center of additive technologies Rosatom." Photo:

As explained, the main tasks of the Center are to develop technologies for manufacturing products and demonstrate the possibilities of using additive technologies to solve the problems of industrial enterprises.

TSAT is equipped with in-house 3D printers of Rosatom Rusmelt 300M, Rusmelt 600M and Rusmelt 600 RM for printing with metal powders using SLM technology. They work on Russian software and have parameters and characteristics that meet international standards.

As part of the construction of the second stage, 3D printing complexes with metal powders and photopolymers using laser sintering technologies (SLS and SLA) will be placed in TsAT, as well as the range of test and auxiliary equipment will be expanded.

The Central Design and Technology Institute acted as the design contractor for TSAT.

The center of additive technologies was created as a production model with a single center of engineering and development. Its peculiarity lies in the combination of equipment assembly areas (3D printers), printing, post-processing and a laboratory for product research and sample testing. Thanks to this, RusAT LLC specialists will be able to check the design and technological solutions taken immediately after the release of the equipment, quickly make adjustments and modifications to its design.

By the end of 2021, we plan to launch a full cycle of additive production. At the current stage of the development of the additive technology market, equipment that has already been installed in the center and will be installed during 2021 will close the needs of our customers. As for financial indicators, as part of the implementation of the second stage project, the planned revenue of TSAT in 2030 will amount to more than 300 million rubles[1].

stated Mikhail Turundaev, General Director of RusAT LLC
