Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Brand M​onitor (Monitor Brand)




The Brand Monitor company (Brend Monitor LLC) offers service of monitoring of references of a brand and protection of the trademark on the Internet. Brand Monitor technologies allow to monitor continuously the main channels of distribution of products, to reveal violations and to react quickly to them.


For December, 2020 the company offers the following services:

  • suppression of sale of gray import,
  • blocking of the platforms trading in counterfeit goods
  • control of use of the company name or goods in a name of domain zones,
  • stop of demonstrations and removal of videos with the low-quality or unfair advertizing discrediting a brand.


2020: Passing of the program of "Moscow accelerator"

In 2020 passed the program of "The Moscow accelerator" of the Agency of innovations of the city of Moscow.

2006: Creation of service

The Brand Monitor service is created in 2006.