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Special magnet: Atomic and issue spectrometer

Developers: Special magnet, TD
Date of the premiere of the system: 2021/02/03
Branches: Chemical industry,  Electrical equipment and microelectronics

The atomic and issue spectrometer allows to measure chemical composition of materials at the qualitative, quantitative and impurity levels. For February, 2021 the device is capable to determine at the same time content in a sample over 70 chemical elements.

2021: Development of an atomic and issue spectrometer

On February 3, 2021 announced Ruselectronics holding of State Corporation Rostec development of the high-precision device for determination of chemical composition of the materials, solutions and alloys applied in production of electronics in metallurgy, the oil and gas industry, nuclear power, medicine, the food industry and criminalistics. The equipment is also capable to make chemical analysis of emissions and drain waters for the purpose of environmental control.

Crucial element of a product – a plasmatron. Under its action atoms of the studied sample radiate characteristic light or optical and issue lines. Diffraction grating of a spectrometer separates the entering light into wavelengths, specific to an element, and the corresponding detector measures intensity of light for each wavelength. The software processes data retrieveds using the predeterminated calibration and calculates concentration of elements.

The spectrometer is developed by JSC Spetsmagnit (enters into Ruselectronics). The enterprise for February, 2021 holds three patents and registered two know-how on the construction of the device and methods of the analysis applied with its help. More than 90% of component parts of a spectrometer are manufactured in Russia.

The world market of an analytical equipment for determination of chemical composition of materials grows on average annually for 5%. In 2020 its volume was 600 million dollars. For February, 2021 in Russia there is no serial production of analytical devices for control of chemical composition of the materials having such sensitivity and accuracy as our spectrometer. This equipment already underwent pilot operation in RHTU of D.M. Mendeleyev and FNPTs "Software "Start" of M.V. Protsenko" and received positive reviews, - told in Ruselectronics.