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Skylark music Mobile application

Developers: SkiSky Software
Date of the premiere of the system: 2021/02/12

2021: Release of the application

Residents of the Pokrovsk IT center from Yakutia released the Skylark music application for preserving and promoting of Yakut. On February 12, 2021 the Press center of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic reported about it. The application gives access to musical compositions of the Yakut contractors among which both popular variety, and the national singers unknown to public. Also using the application it is possible to be connected to the radio stations broadcasting in Yakut.

The application is created by a team of three resident developers of the Pokrovsk IT center. For February, 2021 the startup passes the program of a preakseleration in the Yakut accelerator of "B8".

The musical Skylark music application in which it is possible to listen to songs in Yakut — an initiative of our command. In the world many processes pass into an online format, we would like to save Yakut in a digital medium, having given an opportunity to listen to songs in Yakut using our application. So we hope to impart love to a mother tongue at digital generation — the co-founder and Skylark music developer Alexander Lebedev shared.

The Pokrovsk IT center in which developers of the application work was founded in November, 2020 with assistance of the Ministry of innovations, digital development and infocommunication technologies of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic according to the decree of the Head of the republic Aysen Nikolaev on creation in the territory of the regions of Yakutia of the IT centers. The IT centers open within the national project "Digital Economy of Russia" with the purpose to provide to residents of municipal entities access to modern educational programs and to give opportunities for project implementation in the field of information technologies. In 2020 in the territory of the republic 7 municipal IT centers were created.

Yakutia takes a high position in the Far East on export of IT services. We try to develop this direction not only in the cities, but also in villages. It is pleasant to see that local IT specialists are involved in activity of the IT centers and create useful services. The purpose of the municipal IT centers — creation of jobs for the industry. All this in general influences quality improvement of life of the population. By 2024 we set a task to open on the republic of 17 IT centers — Anatoly Semyonov, the minister of innovations, digital development and infocommunication technologies of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic shared.