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Almighty (BioSmart FS-series Fingerprint readers)

Customers: Sushkof and Del Pesto (Almighty)

Upper Pyshma; Trade

Product: BioSmart FS-series Fingerprint readers

Project date: 2020/01  - 2020/12


And such a tool was developed. The know-how of the company is the cloudy IT IT-Sushkof ecosystem, which manages all aspects of the restaurant, from the formation of applications to suppliers to the management logistics of couriers. The system automatically considers all business indicators, performs the purchase taking into account the forecast of orders and balances, and even gives the owner recommendations to strengthen demand in areas of presence. And since 2019, it helps to manage processes not only in restaurants and delivery points of Sushkof, but also in the chain of stores of fresh and useful natural products of Zhizmart.

One of the highlights of the system is the automated recording of the working time of staff identification and employees by biometric indicators. This option was made possible due to the implementation of solutions developed by specialists. BIOSMART All network points are installed. FS-80 readers These devices connect to by to the computer USB and are used to transfer biometric data users.

At the same time, fingerprint scanners belong to the lower price segment - such devices are cheaper than solutions based on the identification of palm veins, but provide a sufficient level of security.

As of February 2021, several dozen BioSmart readers work at network facilities. Integration into the IT ecosystem was achieved through the SDK, so implementation was fast and easy.