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On-board equipment of the command and measuring system for the Arctic-M satellite

Developers: Russian Space Systems (RKS)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2021/03/01
Last Release Date: 2023/12/20
Technology: Satellite Communications and Navigation

The main articles are:

2023: Development of target instruments and service systems of the Arktika-M spacecraft No. 2

Holding "" Russian space systems has developed target devices and service complexes of space the Arctic-M apparatus No. 2, launched from the cosmodrome Baikonur by the Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle on December 16, 2023. The intelligent "filling" of the satellite, made in the RKS, determines the essence and purpose of the entire highly elliptical system "Arctic-M" - two devices in a pair will receive and transmit specialists to Earth around the clock data about the cradle of Earth's weather - the northern latitudes of the planet. This was announced on December 20, 2023 by representatives of the RKS.

Аппаратура РКС на satellite Arctic-M No. 2 will provide data for monitoring the northern regions of the planet

As reported, the apparatus "Arctic-M" No. 2 was created by JSC "NPO Lavochkina"; its target devices, including multi-zone scanning devices (MSU-GS-M), as well as most onboard systems were created by the Russian Space Systems holding. The satellite is designed to provide information on the tasks of monitoring the hydrometeorological and heliogeophysical situation in the Arctic region and adjacent territories, relaying the signals of the COSPAS-SARSAT satellite search and rescue system.

On the "Arctic-M" No. 2, two redundant MSU-GS-M are the main and most important target instruments that allow continuous shooting of the Earth's surface at intervals of 15 to 30 minutes in ten spectral ranges (seven of them are infrared). The spatial resolution of the data is from 1 to 4 km, and the accuracy of measuring the temperature of the underlying surface reaches 0.1-0.2 ° C.

Primary radiometric and geometric processing of information is carried out directly in MSU-GS-M using its own computational means and algorithms laid down on Earth before launching into orbit. Further, the digital stream enters the on-board data collection system (BSSD-VE), where it is combined with the service information of the on-board command device and the data of the heliogeophysical equipment complex (GGAK-VE, responsible for informing about the "space weather"). Then the information is transmitted to the aircraft radio engineering system (BRTK-VE) and is transmitted to ground stations, where several stages of processing are carried out and supplied to consumers.

Another important part of the "Arctic-M" is the onboard equipment of the command and measuring system (CIS). This is a radio engineering system that allows the satellite to interact with ground control stations. It receives and processes command and program information from the Earth, transmits it to other systems and devices inside the device itself, and from them, in response, the CIS receives and transmits telemetry information over the radio channel to ground stations. The system also transmits signals to ground stations to measure the current navigation parameters of the spacecraft.

The means of the ground control system, also created by the RKS, monitored the first activation of the Arktika-M spacecraft No. 2, ensured communication sessions with it, the issuance of command and program information on board, the reception of telemetric information and the measurement of current navigation parameters in accordance with the flight program. Telemetry information made it possible to track the progress of the disclosure of external structural elements, the implementation of operations to prepare the onboard service systems of the spacecraft for normal operation.

The ground control system is an integral part of the highly elliptical hydrometeorological space system "Arctic-M." It includes the Arktika-M spacecraft flight control center, created in JSC TsNIIMash"," developed in the RKS five command and measuring stations, which are located in the Western, Central and Eastern parts, Russia as well as other ground-based technical means.

The ground-based information reception, processing and distribution complex is based on the geographically distributed infrastructure of the State Corporation Roskosmos"" and its Roshydromet key technological solutions have been developed during the operation of spacecraft of the Electro-L and Arktika-M series No. 1. Two satellites of the Arctic-M space system (the first launched on February 28, 2021), alternately replacing each other, provide consumers with data for round-the-clock monitoring of the Earth's surface and the seas of the Arctic Ocean, relaying signals from emergency radios of the international satellite search and rescue system COSPAS-SARSAT and information from automatic measuring data collection platforms, Roshydromet including those located in the Arctic region. The information received from satellites will allow the divisions of Roshydromet and other departments to optimize the reliability of long-term and short-term weather forecasts, help track emergencies, conduct environmental control, and will provide for scientist large amount of data the study of global climate change.

The operator of the Russian space means of remote sensing of the Earth, including the highly elliptical hydrometeorological space system "Arctic-M," is the Scientific Center for Operational Monitoring of the Earth RKS.

2021: Development of a set of instruments for the Arctic spacecraft

The holding's specialists "Russian Space Systems" (part of the State Corporation Roskosmos"") developed and manufactured a set of devices (in particular, onboard equipment of the command and measurement system) for the first spacecraft, satellite system "Arctic" which was launched Baikonur Cosmodrome with the Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle on February 28, 2021. This was reported to the RKS on March 1, 2021. This high-tech satellite will conduct all-weather monitoring of the surface of the Earth and the seas of the Arctic Ocean. Another function of this spacecraft will be to relay the signals of the emergency buoys of the system. COSPAS-SARSAT

A command and measurement system (CIS) is a service instrument that provides telemetry data transmission, reception of control commands and measurement of orbit parameters. This equipment maintains communication with the Earth, collects and transmits telemetric information to ground control points, and also processes control commands coming from the Earth and monitors their execution. The CIS monitors the correct operation of the orientation system and telecommunications systems of the satellite. It is used to measure the current navigation parameters of the spacecraft.

The Arctic-M spacecraft will be placed in a highly elliptical orbit of the Lightning type (an orbit on which the farthest point of the spacecraft's orbit is many times higher than the nearest one) with an inclination of 63 degrees, which will collect meteorological and hydrological information about the state of the northern regions of the Earth. The capabilities of the scanning equipment will allow continuous multi-scale shooting of the Earth with a frequency of 10 to 30 minutes simultaneously in ten spectral ranges (seven of them are thermal). The resolution on the surface will be from 1 to 4 km, and the accuracy of temperature measurement will reach 0.1-0.2 ° C.

Arktika-M has become a further evolution of onboard systems and target instruments of meteorological geostationary spacecraft of the Electro-L series. According to the set of equipment, the satellite is distinguished by the use of domestic components. The RKS has developed the main target device of the spacecraft - a multi-zone scanning device (MSU-GSM), on-board equipment of command and measuring systems, as well as an on-board radio engineering complex and a heliogeophysical equipment complex.

The spacecraft will be removed daily and approach the earth's surface, which will allow it to produce different-scale images. Its speed will differ from the speed of rotation of the Earth, and the survey angle will continuously change. When creating the equipment, the RKS designers took into account that because of this, the risks of additional image deformations will increase. Therefore, they used the experience gained during the operation of geostationary devices of the Electro-L series, and introduced a system of high-precision measurements, which increased the accuracy of measurements and coordinate alignment.

We used the full potential of the scientific and technical school of RKS when creating on-board equipment for command and measuring systems, which provides control of the spacecraft and the transmission of telemetric information to Earth. Service instruments for spacecraft are one of the most important specializations of our company. We supply proven and proven solutions that are used on a number of Earth remote sensing satellites.
noted the director of projects for the creation of command radio links - Deputy General Designer of the RKS Nikolai Bulgakov

When developing a multi-zone scanning device, we made maximum use of domestic electronic components - multi-element radiation receivers in the infrared spectrum and a passive system of their radiation cooling to cryogenic temperatures. This made it possible to create equipment much lighter than Western counterparts, while maintaining equal functionality.
specified chief designer of MSU-GS RKS Yuri Geklin

An important task of the Arctic satellite system will also be global monitoring of heliogeophysical parameters for monitoring and predicting the activity of the Sun, the radiation situation in near-Earth space, as well as diagnostics and control of the state of the magnetosphere, ionosphere and the upper atmosphere of the Earth.

The heliogeophysical hardware complex for the Arctic-M includes three types of instruments that measure the values ​ ​ of the Earth's magnetic field in orbit, cosmic flows of electrons and protons using Geiger counters and Cherenkov detectors.
commented on the chief designer of the heliogeophysical equipment complex RKS Alexey Kovalev

The hydrometeorological center of Russia will be able to continuously receive operational information on the state of the atmosphere and surface at the poles of the Earth after the launch of two devices of this series into orbit. The Arctic-M space system will increase the accuracy of models when drawing up short-term weather forecasts, track emergencies, and conduct environmental control. Data sets are planned to be used for scientific purposes for fundamental hydrometeorological research, including to study the phenomenon of global warming.

The means of the ground control complex created by the RKS monitored the first activation of the Arktika-M spacecraft, ensured communication sessions with it, the issuance of command and program information on board, the reception of telemetric information and the measurement of current navigation parameters in accordance with the flight program. Telemetry information made it possible to track the progress of the disclosure of external structural elements, the implementation of operations to prepare the onboard service systems of the spacecraft for normal operation.

The ground control system is an integral part of the highly elliptical hydrometeorological space system "Arctic-M." It includes the Arktika-M spacecraft flight control center, created in JSC TsNIIMash"," developed in RKS five, command and measuring stations "Maple" located in the Western, Central and Eastern parts, and Russia other technical means.

"Taking into account the peculiarities of the spacecraft orbit, our specialists had to adjust the algorithm of the program for the formation of communication sessions conducted by the Klen ground stations. The task was completed promptly and with maximum accuracy, "said Alexander Bagach, Chief Designer of the Arktika-M ground control complex.