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Validata CSP

Developers: Validata
Last Release Date: 2021/03/03
Technology: IB - Encryption Tools

Main article: Cryptography

2021: "Validate CSP 6.0" compatibility with JaCarta keys

On March 3, 2021, Aladdin R.D., a Russian developer and provider of information security solutions, and Validata, a developer of secure corporate information and telecommunications systems using cryptographic information protection tools, announced the completion of compatibility tests for their products.

Based on the test results, compatibility certificates were signed confirming the correctness of electronic keys JaCarta and cryptographic protection information () CIPF of Validat CSP 6.0.

Compatibility and correctness of joint use is proved for USB-tokens smart cards and JaCarta PKI, JaCarta-2 GOST, JaCarta-2 PKI/GOST and USB-tokens JaCarta LT. Testing was carried out in such operating systems Windows 78102008 Server as/1//R2/R2/using an 2012 Server 2016 Server additional "" software Single Customer JaCarta version 2.13 or higher developed by Aladdin R.D.

The products of the line of JaCarta are designed to organize enhanced or strict authentication in information systems and services, ensure the legal significance of documents and user actions using electronic signatures and secure storage of containers of software RPMS, user data, certificates, passwords, etc.