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BFT updated the interaction of the MFC of the Vladimir region and the FIU through SMEV 3

Customers: MFC Vladimir region

Product: BFT: MFC-Capella

Project date: 2020/09  - 2021/02

2021: Modernization of interaction with the FIU

On March 12, 2021, BFT announced the modernization of the "Unified Automated System for the Provision of State and Municipal Services to Applicants in Multifunctional Centers of the Vladimir Region," which was implemented on the basis of the BFT solution - AIS MFC MFC-Capella.

Electronic interaction of information systems MFTS RPF and through 3 SMEV has been translated into the latest versions of types of information, as well as additional types of services for which the electronic interaction of the MFC and the FIU was not previously configured:

  • Providing information about the registered person's labor activities contained in his individual personal account - when such information is needed to receive state or municipal services, a person does not need to contact the FIU for a paper certificate, the MFC independently requests and receives this information from the FIU in electronic form.
  • Acceptance of applications for the inclusion of information on vehicles for people with disabilities in the unified federal register (FGIS FREE) - it became possible to submit such an application through the MFC, then it is electronically transmitted to the FIU using SMEV 3.

As a result of the update of electronic interaction between the MFC and the FIU in the Vladimir region, more services have become available to the MFC without additional contact with other departments.

Thanks to the implementation of joint projects with the BFT Company in the MFC of the Vladimir Region, the MFC portal was also updated and digital interaction with the Central Election Commission was implemented.