Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Germanenko Igor Vladimirovich
Germanenko Igor Vladimirovich


In 1987 he graduated from the Altai Polytechnic Institute named after I.I. Polzunova, specialty "Electricity supply to industrial enterprises, cities and agriculture," qualification - electrical engineer.

In 1996 he graduated from Altai State University, specialty "Finance and Credit," qualification - economist.

In 1997 he graduated from the All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute, specialty "Finance and Credit," qualification - economist.

Student Construction Squad "Energy"

He received his first managerial experience in his student years as a commissioner of the student construction squad Energia.

1987: "Altai Electric Plate Repair"

After graduating from the Altai Polytechnic Institute, he worked at the Altaelektroplitremont enterprise as a master. Thanks to his diligence and professional knowledge, he was appointed to the post of deputy director.

1993: Head of the initiative group for the creation of Altaykapitalbank

In 1993, he led an initiative group from among the heads of large Altai enterprises. The task of the group is to create Altaykapitalbank.

1994: Deputy. Chairman of the Board of Altaykapitalbank

From February 7, 1994 to July 30, 1998 - Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Altaykapitalbank LLC.

1998: First Vice President of Altaykapitalbank

From July 30, 1998 to March 24, 2000 - First Vice President of Altaykapitalbank LLC.

2000: President of Altaikapitalbank

Since March 24, 2000 - President of Altaykapitalbank Design Bureau LLC (re-elected: 05.02.2019).


Certificate of Honor of the Administration of Barnaul (2009); holder of the Silver Badge of  Honor "Leader of the Economy of the Altai Territory"; 3 times won the title "Director of the Year. Altai Territory "in 2005, 2018, 2019