Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Kryukov Evgeny Nikolaevich
Kryukov Evgeny Nikolaevich


Born April 21, 1963

In 1985 he graduated from the Siberian Order of the Red Banner of Labor, Metallurgical Institute named after S. Ordzhonikidze (since 1998 - Siberian State Industrial University (SibGIU)), qualification - metallurgical engineer with a degree in Automation of Metallurgical Production.

In 1999 he graduated from Siberian State Industrial University, qualification - economist with a degree in Finance and Credit.

1985: Novokuznetsk Ferroalloy Plant

After the institute, in 1985, he was distributed to the Novokuznetsk Ferroalloy Plant (since 1995, Kuznetsk Ferroalloys JSC), where he began as an electrician, then became a foreman, then - the head of the site.

1994: Deputy. Director General of NZRMK named after NOT. Kryukova"

In 1994, he began working as deputy chief energy at NZRMK JSC named after NOT. Kryukova. "

Since November 14, 1994 - Deputy General Director of NZRMK JSC named after NOT. Kryukova. "

2004: BST-Bank SD

Since March 26, 2004, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of BST-Bank JSC (re-elected: 05.06.2020).

2009: SD "NZRMK named after NOT. Kryukova"

Since May 27, 2009 - Member of the Board of Directors of NZRMK im. Kryukova. " Supervises supply, sales, logistics, commercial and contract departments.

2015: IP

Since October 20, 2015, it has been operating as an individual entrepreneur (rental and management of its own or leased real estate).


  • medals "For Business in the Name of Creation" (2006), "For Service to Kuzbass" (2008), "For Faith and Good" (2013),
  • Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (2013),
  • Golden sign "Novokuznetsk" (2016),
  • anniversary medal "Novokuznetsk - 400" (2018).


Parents - Nikolai Egorovich and Klara Semenovna Kryukovs.