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GMCS implemented BI-solution for quality control of customer support in Leroy Merlin Russia

Customers: Leroy Merlin Vostok

Contractors: GMCS
Product: Tableau Desktop Professional Edition
На базе: Tableau Server

Project date: 2020/10  - 2021/05



Deploying a Tableau-based BI Solution

On June 2, 2021, GMCS announced the deployment of a BI solution based on Tableau for quality control of customer support at the Leroy Merlin Russia contact center, the Russian division of the international DIY retailer Leroy Merlin. The project was implemented as part of the development of a single analytical solution, which the retailer uses to monitor the quality of customer service in different channels.

The BI solution allows Leroy Merlin Russia to evaluate the work of the contact center in three main areas: calls, surveys and the results of listening to audio files of recorded conversations between operators and customers. A report has been created to track the number of incoming calls to the contact center, the planned and actual number of operators, the average duration of conversations (AHT, Average Handling Time), the percentage of calls lost and the number of calls waiting more than 30 seconds, as well as the fulfillment of key indicators on the effectiveness of client support by the contact center - SL (Service Level), FCR (First Call Resolution), CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index), NPS (Net Promoter Score).

"The contact center remains a key element in the chain of engagement with customers, which is under immense pressure, especially during peak periods. The BI solution is designed not only to provide an assessment of the operational work of the contact center, but also to help find growth points and zones that we can optimize for even more convenient interaction and increase customer satisfaction with the quality of service, "said Kiril Igorevich Panichev, head of customer support and sales by phone, Leroy Merlin Russia.

Tableau provides end-to-end evaluation of quality of service parameters. The section on call statistics allows you to track the FCR indicator (solution of a customer question at the first call), with the ability to analyze the topics of repeated calls. For the second support line, the operational number of calls in different statuses is presented with separation by channels (calls, website calls and written appeals). The scheduled and actual number of operators, the average service time (AHT), and the response time of the second support line operators for the current day are monitored.

The section on survey statistics shows the satisfaction of customers with the quality of advice received through key customer support indexes - NPS, the level of customer loyalty to the brand, CSI and CDSAT customer satisfaction indexes (Customer Dissatisfaction Index). Dashboard includes a funnel of surveys in dynamics: the number of calls distributed to operators, proposed questionnaires and fully completed surveys. The section contains the average rating based on the results of surveys, the percentage of negative ratings, the percentage of negative ratings, the rating of operators by the number of negative ratings, the distribution of calls with negative ratings to those transferred to the store for advice from a store employee and decided by the operator on their own, the analysis of the dependence of ratings on the CSI/NPS survey on the waiting time of customers in the queue.

It is possible to view the ratings of operators according to the average rating issued by supervisors and the quality department, the results of listening to recorded conversations of operators with clients, the number of audio files listened to, the types of errors and the number of audio recordings containing gross errors leading to a zero final rating.

In addition, the BI solution allows you to monitor the percentage of completion of listening plans and analyze the dependencies: supervisor and quality department ratings on customer ratings based on survey results, the number of audio files listened to customer ratings based on survey results, supervisor and quality department ratings based on operator experience, etc.

"The BI solution has been developed on schedule. The next step will be to create a dashboard for the second support line of the contact center in order to monitor the implementation of FCR and SLA, track the dynamics of the number of incoming and resolved calls, the average service time and response time to the call in the queue, "added Lyudmila Gaidinova, project curator, GMCS.

Develop a BI Solution for Customer Support Quality Assurance

On April 5, 2021, GMCSS announced the development of a BI solution based on Tableau for quality control of customer support in Leroy Merlin Russia, the Russian division of international DYI retailer Leroy Merlin. 8 dashboards were created, giving an operational cut into the state of customer support in stores and the contact center of Leroy Merlin Russia.

Reports are available both in the application and adapted for display on monitors in stores - on the launch page in Tableau you can see the indicators of each particular store through various communication channels: phone, written appeals, website requests, with the possibility of comparison in the range of 30 days.

Reports display information with a difference of several hours, allowing the store to compare its indicators with those of other stores, as well as city averages. In the future, we intend to make the data displayed in real time. In addition, an increase in the level of the total FCR and CSI is planned for 2021. The use of analytics obtained using Tableau helps to monitor the execution of current indicators and achieve planned values, as well as improve the quality of customer service, "comments Kiril Igorevich Panichev, head of customer support and sales by phone, Leroy Merlen Russia.