Customers: FSBI FNSC FMBA of Russia
Contractors: IBS Platformix Product: IT outsourcing projectsProject date: 2020/10 - 2021/03
2021: Establishment of a visitor access system
On April 6, 2021, the IBS Platformix system integrator deployed a system for organizing visitor access at the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Specialized Medical Care and Medical Technologies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia (FNSC FMBA of Russia). Using this system, the Center improved the management of human flows throughout the territory, made a stay more comfortable for patients, visitors, employees and guests.
The main reasons that led to the decision of the FNSC FMBA of Russia to introduce an access control and control system (MCDS) are to ensure the safety of employees and patients, the need to prevent the penetration of outsiders and control the quality of patients' compliance with the daily regime in order to increase the effectiveness of treatment.
The real disaster for us was the periodic "raids" of salesmen of all stripes, who managed to penetrate the departments, interfered with doctors and patients. The lack of an effective access system made it possible for relatives to visit patients at the wrong time for visits, jeopardized the observance of the day schedule and the schedule of procedures. Our departments are equipped with complex and expensive medical equipment, outsiders on the territory of the Center pose an obvious threat, said Dmitry Azeev, analyst at FNSC FMBA of Russia.
As part of the IBS Platformix project, he developed and deployed several information systems: a classic MCUD using smart cards, a video surveillance system with intelligent number recognition and barrier control, an integration platform for connecting access systems with medical systems of the FMBA of Russia.
The system of organization of access for visitors deployed in the FNSC FMBA of Russia made it possible to streamline the passage of visitors and staff of the Center to its territory. The absence of casual visitors increased safety, saved doctors and medical specialists from problems associated with uncontrolled visits to departments, and facilitated access for outpatient patients and hospital visitors.
The security service of the FNSC FMBA of Russia fully took advantage of the capabilities of the automated access control system. Its integration with the medical systems used in the clinic made the management of visitor flows a structured and transparent process. The system not only controls access to the territory, it solves tasks related to visiting patients, organizing a queue for outpatient specialists and monitoring compliance with the day regime, added Leonid Yaurov, head of the IBS Platformix intelligent security and interactive solutions group.