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"Дом.РФ" launched a system of personnel selection on the basis of

Customers: Дом.РФ AKB (formerly Russian Capital)

Product: Sever.AI
На базе: Artificial intelligence (AI, Artificial intelligence, AI)

Project date: 2020/10  - 2021/03

2021: Start of personnel selection system

The group Home.RUSSIAN FEDERATION included in the recruitment process a selection system based on AI Sever.AI the smart HRtech solutions development company, TalentTech which the latter announced on April 13, 2021. The need for digitalization using artificial intelligence for ДОМ.РФ has become even more obvious with the transition of recruitment processes to online format. Systematically collects recommendations and feedback on candidates. This is a large amount of information, the manual collection of which requires significant time and money. The human factor also plays a significant role: errors in the work of the recruit, biased assessments and simply the inability to qualitatively perform monotonous and voluminous work in a short time are possible. That is why in ДОМ.РФ it was decided to implement a technological solution that helps to carry out recruitment tasks on a large-scale, high-quality and less expensive basis.

{{quote 'ДОМ.РФ for April 2021 is in an active phase of staff growth against the background of the expansion of the company's business agenda, "says Alexey Perventsev, Director of Personnel and Operational Efficiency. - With large volumes of personnel activities, such tools are necessary: they free up human resources, allowing HR department employees to focus on in-depth study of candidates and not waste time on various mechanical tasks related to personnel selection. " }}

The system operates as follows:

  • When completing a web questionnaire, the applicant indicates the contacts of several people who are ready to talk about his personal and professional qualities.
  • When scanning the questionnaire, the contact data of these people is read by the robot and a basic call plan is formed.
  • The call is made on behalf of the Human Resources and Operational Efficiency Department ДОМ.РФ.
  • The responses received are automatically converted to text and sent to the ATS in real time.
  • After that, the finished collected data is studied by HR managers of the company.

The entire process of artificial intelligence runs autonomously from recruiters, while in real time they are provided with information on the status of candidates. The robot and ATS are mutually integrated, making the system simple and efficient.

The solution focused on the automation of personnel selection: more and more companies are introducing AI and robotization into HR processes. ДОМ.РФ were the first to introduce robotization at the stage of collecting recommendations. Such a solution allows companies to minimize routine and mechanical processes by transferring them to an automated system that will not miss a single candidate, will communicate at the right time, will not forget to call back, will transfer the results to the internal system and will allow selection specialists to work in single window mode. This saves the time of specialists, improves the experience of the candidate and the brand of the employer as a whole, "said Mikhail Azarov, Project Manager