Customers: Alfa Laval Stream
Contractors: 1C-Rarus Product: 1C: Workflow 8 CORPProject date: 2021/03 - 2021/03
Number of licenses: 86
2021: Automation of accounting based on PP "1C: Document flow 8 KORP "
Managers and employees of Alfa Laval Stream JSC, responsible for the approval and signing of internal document management documents, work mainly remotely with limited access to PCs with configured access to working systems.
The objective of the project was to automate on the basis of the configuration and mobile application "1C: Document Management 8 KORP" the system of placement, approval and signing of 5 types of internal document management documents.
1C-Rarus VC was chosen as the integrator company.
Within the project the experts "1C-Rarus" performed tuning of such types of documents as: the single contract, the framework agreement, the specification to the framework agreement, the additional agreement and other.
1C-Rarus specialists performed the following works:
- Initial analysis by interviewing Customer's key users.
- Collection and analysis data;
- Discussion of customization proposals;
- agreeing on the final option;
- development of terms of reference.
Result: The agreed document "SOW" includes 2 parts:
- general part - description of the project in the language of business users;
- technical part - setting the task to the consultant-programmer.
As per process part:
Work completed:
- Archive data loading
- setting of NSI;
- Created business process templates for internal documents with complex routing
- General system configuration - Configure "easy" mail to send notifications for new OAuth tasks Set up user logging, and configure versioning
- Setting access rights by role
- Instructing users on the operation and administration of the system.
System maintenance is performed.
86 workplaces were automated. The system was put into industrial operation on March 1, 2021. The implementation of the software product has solved such problems as:
- Office-work;
- Accounting and storage of documents;
- Maintenance of the item of cases;
- Accounting and control of execution of orders;
- Uchetdogovorov.
As a result of using the software product "1C: Document Management 8 CORP" the processes of approval and signing of internal document management applications are simplified and accelerated as much as possible. The work of users was systematized and disciplined.