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2021:3 years in prison for embezzlement of 95 million rubles

At the end of April 2021, Elena Chueva, the former manager of the Credit Express bank branch, was sentenced to three years in a general regime colony for stealing 95 million rubles from a credit institution. The corresponding verdict was made by the Cheremushkinsky District Court of Moscow.

He found that in 2017, Elena Chueva, shortly after being appointed manager, became a member of a criminal group organized by the previous head of the bank to steal money.

To launch the withdrawal process, the accomplices issued several forged loan agreements, which included both former Credit Express customers and employees of companies subordinate to them. In addition, members of the group created fake cash orders and other papers that allowed them to withdraw cash from depositors' accounts.

Former director of the branch of Credit Express Bank Elena Chueva was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzling 95 million rubles

Chueva, as the director of the branch, had to control the formation of fictitious credit files of clients, ensure the preparation of fictitious loan agreements, the transfer of funds from the cash desk of the branch, the signing of fictitious loan agreements and other documents.

After the thefts opened in the bank in June 2019, seven people were detained: bank director Alla Kabanova, chief accountant Maria Antonova and bank employees Anastasia Novotnaya, Yegor Pikhtin, Elena Chueva and Natalya Tsipinova, as well as businessman Vasily Brisk and Veliky.

Elena Chueva was convicted of committing 25 crimes under Part 4 of Art. 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Appropriation committed by a person using his official position, organized by a group, on an especially large scale"). She pleaded guilty and entered into a pre-trial cooperation agreement with the prosecutor.

The court also satisfied the civil claim of the bank, represented by the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA), to recover more than 88 million rubles from Chueva to compensate for material damage.[1]
