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Баннер в шапке 2

Cissé Halima (Halima Cisse)




2021: Birth of 9 living children at the same time

On May 4, 2021, a 25-year-old resident of Mali set a new world record for the number of simultaneously born living children. At one time, nine babies were born. The previous maximum dated back to 2009 - then the American gave birth to eight children.

Halima Sessie, 25, was observed for two weeks at a hospital in Bamako, and at the end of March 2021, by personal order of the president, was transferred to a hospital in Morocco. She was accompanied by a Malian doctor. In this clinic, doctors reported, citing ultrasound data, that in the womb of a woman seven babies, confirming the previous data of doctors. When she was given a caesarean section, the doctors were surprised to find that the woman was able to carry nine babies at once. So five girls and four boys were born.

A woman from Mali Cissé Halima simultaneously gave birth to 9 living children

All of them were born premature and at the time of birth weighed from 500 grams to a kilogram, so they will have to spend about three months in an incubator. After pregnancy, the woman felt good and was preparing to return home as soon as the health of the children allowed.

After the birth of children, Malian Minister of Health Fanta Sibi congratulated the doctors of both countries who participated in the pregnancy of Halima Cissé.

Nine is an extremely rare phenomenon, usually associated with complications, as a result of which infants die. Doctors know two such cases - in Australia in 1971 and in Malaysia in 1999, and in both none of the children survived.

In the last 30 years, twins have begun to be born more often. Researchers reported that from 1980 to 2021, the twin rate around the world increased by a third - from 9.1 to 12 per 1000 births. Assisted reproductive technologies contributed a lot to this.[1]
