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ArmaDoc: Axiom

The name of the base system (platform): IJanet Framework
Developers: ArmaDoc
Branches: Science and education
Technology: Accounting systems

The AXIOM is focused on complex process automation of management of higher educational institutions of all types and forms of business, including the universities having territorial and regional division (branches, representations, etc.).

The functionality of the AXIOM system covers basic processes of management of educational and scientific activity and all divisions of an educational complex and includes subsystems:

  • Selection committee
  • Management of the contingent of pupils
  • Current progress
  • Current attendance
  • Session progress
  • Planning of educational process
  • Load of teachers
  • Schedule
  • Release of education documents
  • Pre-university training
  • Postgraduate study
  • Additional education
  • Grant
  • Scientific activity

At the heart of an information and analytical system of support of educational process and scientific research of AKSIOMA the iJaNet v5 SOA platform lies.

The integration iJaNet v5 platform includes all necessary elements providing flexible and effective implementation of a common information space of educational institution with the distributed, decentralized infrastructure with the following advantages:

  • scalability, opportunity to create an unlimited number of geographically distributed servers of data processing;
  • the modularity providing a possibility of thin setup and expansion of any part of the solution;

use of any DBMS, as extended in quality of Open Source (Firebird, PostgressSQL, etc.), and high-speed and reliable industrial DBMS (Oracle, MSSQL, etc.);

  • development and addition of the solution with new functionality, including, developed by third-party suppliers;
  • consolidation of the information systems existing in university in a common information space;

integration with external systems of data transmission and solutions of different suppliers (GosInsp, 1C, MARC-SQL, etc.);

  • integration with an electronic document management system and corporate content.