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IJanet Framework

Developers: JaNet systems
Technology: ERP,  SOA,  Development tools of applications


iJaNet Framework is the SOA platform of the Russian production

At many enterprises the staff of different structural divisions uses different information systems. At the same time there is a number of problems: the personnel enter the contradicting data on the same customer, spend a lot of time for search of any documents, preparation of different references, orders, etc. As a result the efficiency of activity of the enterprise falls because of inconsistency of the data arriving from the different systems because of a rupture of business processes. Elimination of similar problems leads to increase in profitability of the enterprise due to elimination of costs for unnecessary links, business process optimizations, fall forwards of reaction of firm to external influences. The iJaNet Framework Ultra SOA platform is the tool for business process integration of any corporate information systems and also a development tool of composite applications. The component-oriented approach which is the cornerstone of iJaNet Framework Ultra technology allows to create the universal, easily integrated with different technologies, final information solution. The development tools of composite applications which are built in the platform, also allow to develop a corporate information system of the enterprise, integrating functionality of existing applications and data with new business by logic and user interfaces.

The iJaNet Framework Ultra platform is built on the principles of the service-oriented architecture (SOA) and contains a big set of opportunities for integration of CIS, creation of composite applications and also business process managements (Business Process Management, BPM). The iJaNet Framework Ultra platform provides support of open standards.

The iJaNet Framework Ultra platform helps the companies to solve such important problems as:

  • integration of the operated systems from different suppliers;
  • business process management;
  • development of the distributed applications;
  • configuring of the distributed applications.

J2EE technology

The platform is implemented based on J2EE technology that allows her and also the final solutions deployed on its basis to use the checked and well proved possibilities of J2EE on data access, maintenance of transaction integrity, security and fault tolerance. The iJaNet Framework Ultra® platform uses the open standards of information exchange based on XML that allows to be integrated easily with external systems. Thanks to technical features of the platform, the final solution can work on the different equipment, running operating systems of the Windows or Unix families. The iJaNet Framework Ultra platform is the integrated environment based on web services, intended for development, configuration and deployment of component-oriented corporate applications and the automated jobs with the subsequent management of them. All functionality is presented in the form of services which are constructed so that to work with such programming languages as Java and .Net. Thanks to service approach each company can still work with the systems that facilitates application development including business process automation. The developer does not need to develop the applications "from scratch" since there is an economy of means due to reuse of services. Moreover, the less code is written by the developer, the less do errors and, therefore, less support is required.

For the developer of the final solution based on the platform user-friendly program interfaces using which any blocks of the platform can be configured are provided; thin setup of system performance, and also direct creation and configuring of business logic of CIS is provided. Convenient visual administrative tools of the platform are also provided to the end user of the solution based on iJaNet Framework Ultra.

The iJaNet Framework Ultra platform includes the elements providing the most flexible and simple implementation of the final information solution:

  • support of a multi-tier architecture based on the SOA model;
  • modern security aids;
  • convenient graphic management tools;
  • integration with popular information systems and development tools.

The iJaNet Framework Ultra platform - a product, unique on simplicity, which it is easy to unroll and perform the subsequent operation. Simplicity and convenience of interfaces provide correct use of difficult J2EE mechanisms, excepting a possibility of an error of the programmer. The iJaNet Framework Ultra platform is easy for mastering: there is no need to implement transport functions, functions serealizatsii / deserialisings, settings and deployments of web services, authentications and authorizations, etc. when developing/support/integration CIS.

iJaNet Framework is the general architecture of development, allows:

  • integrate CIS and create new applications,
  • expand functionality of the used systems;
  • exchange data;
  • create new web services.

iJaNet SDK and iJaNet SDK.NET act as tools for creation and development of corporate information systems:

  • programming of business processes, saving all system opportunities of J2EE and .Net;
  • creation of unique information systems;
  • integration of business logic of other systems;
  • creation of adapters for specific access by both means of the Microsoft.Net platform, and Sun Java Enterprise Edition;
  • creation of distributed system with effective synchronization of data in Internet/Intranet networks.

iJaNet BPM is business process management:

  • coordination of business processes on the scale of all organization;
  • business process automation;
  • modeling, accomplishment, management and business process optimization;
  • maintenance of the scheme of business process in current status.

iJaNet Administration Console allows:

  • Manage accounts of users, user groups.
  • Manage all entities defined in the system registry of the application namely:
    • to change classes of subjects of the register and a packet of classes, to delete and create new classes;
    • to change subjects of the register, to set values of their properties;
    • to appoint to certain users or user groups of the right or permission concerning separate objects, object groups or the whole classes of objects.
    • to manage the current sessions of users, to compulsorily close separate sessions of users, to browse a context of work of users.


  • Lack of need to implement composite system functions when developing/support/integration CIS.
  • The open API allowing simply to implement and effectively business logic.
  • Use of the modern well proved J2EE, .NET technologies and SmartClient technology.
  • Unlimited scaling options thanks to architecture of SOA and the standardized means of J2EE.
  • The modularity of implementation providing a possibility of thin setup and expansion of any part of the platform.
  • Convenient administrative tools and managements of applications.
  • Security at data transmission due to use of SSL.
  • The built-in service means and ready standard modules of business logic facilitating development of basic functionality at creation of CIS.
  • Implementation of the platform does not require complete reorganization of corporate infrastructure.
  • Indiscriminateness to qualification of developers (enough basic knowledge of the Java programming languages and/or C#, is not present need to know J2EE, SOA technologies, etc.).

Price information

IJaNet Framework v platform. 5.1 it can be used free of charge for non-commercial purposes (according to GNU Public License v.3). Source texts of the platform are open. At the moment upon purchase of the iJaNet Framework Ultra® platform you get free of charge annual technical support.

Strategy of partnership

At acquisition of the platform for creation of ready-made solutions on its basis and the subsequent sale of the solutions developed by you the clients in whom the iJaNet® platform is used, need to sell you to the clients our licenses at the specified high prices. For this case, Janet sistems LLC two partner statuses which allow to you a discount for acquisition of licenses for resale are provided: The partner – 30%, the Golden Partner – 50%. For obtaining the status Partner it is necessary to sign the Partnership agreement and to purchase developer licenses of necessary components of the platform, their cost is 10% of end user licenses. For obtaining the status the Golden Partner it is necessary to have the status Partner and to provide the developed solutions for certification of Janet sistems LLC on compliance to the iJaNet platform.

Using the solution iJaNet you reduce time to market of new products / services, will accelerate implementation of services, reduce personnel labor costs.
